Thursday, November 6, 2008



“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague." (Marcus Tullius Cicero)”

God brands all who reject and ridicule His Word as “raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame . . . to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever” (Jude 13). “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh” (Psalm 2:4).

If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Winston Churchill

The Ranger: To adapt to habitat, to overcome the threat, to endure pain, to withstand resistance, to overcome…Never Quit.

It is important for us to remember that, throughout the 1960’s and 70’s, Americans committed violent, terrorist acts of war right here, against other Americans. Civilians, the President, Congress, servicemen, wounded veterans, police, firefighters, and even bankers and armored car drivers were the targets of this terrorism.

Murder, bombings, robberies, and arson as declared acts of war played across our homeland for more than a decade, American against American. The perpetrators of these acts –a fifth column, as they called themselves-openly allied themselves with the military forces that were killing American soldiers on the battlefield and who were torturing American prisoners of war. They marched behind Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army flags in our streets.

On September 11, 2001, the New York Times headlined a feature article for a book review: “No Regrets for a Love of Explosives.” “I don't regret setting bombs," “I feel we didn't do enough,” the Times quoted SDS bomber, William Ayers as saying, quotes this author finds repugnant and grotesque. ."

“Guilty as Sin and Free as a Bird:

William Ayers bombed the Pentagon, New York City Police Headquarters, the offices of the National Guard in Washington, D.C., and other places, people, and things. Ayers gave speeches at peace rallies where he advised crowds to. "…kill all the rich people, break up their cars and apartments, bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's at." .”

Today, Ayers is professor of ethics and moral education for student teachers, bringing his subversive poison to little children as “Distinguished Professor of Education” and “Senior University Scholar” at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His most recent book is “A Kind and Just Parent.

After surfacing from life on the underground circus, Ayers and Dohrn surrendered in December 1980 upon learning from their National Lawyers Guild attorneys that all charges against them were to be dropped because of "improper surveillance." This prompted Ayers to exult that he’s, "guilty as sin and free as a bird."

Ayers is married to Bernadine Dohrn, another SDS mad bomber who was on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list and who is currently professor of law at Northwestern Law School. Dohrn earned her position at Northwestern only a few years after “leaving” the FBI's Most Wanted List. She is Director of the “Children and Family Justice Center” at Northwestern University School of Law Legal Clinic and she is the author of “Look Out Kid, It’s Something You Did: Zero Tolerance for Children” in: “Violence and Children’s Rights.” This group coined the phrase: "All white babies are pigs!"

Ayers and Dohrn are raising three children, two of their own, and the son of fellow Weather Underground subversive Kathy Boudin, who is in prison for her revolutionary activities.
A quote from “Professor” Dohrn:
"Dig it! [Charles] Manson killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they shoved a fork into a victim's stomach." Dohrn was referring to Sharon Tate, 9 months pregnant, murdered and stabbed in the stomach with a fork the killers used to eat with in the infamous Tate/LaBianca killings, for which Charles Manson and his bizarre band of 60’s radicals were found guilty:
Around midnight on August 9, 1969, members of the 60’s radical group led by Charles Manson (the Manson ‘family’) invaded the Tate - Polanski household, killing all who were present. Voityck Frykowsky was stabbed over 50 times, struck 13 times in the head with a blunt instrument, and shot. Abigail Folger, the coffee heiress, was killed. The now 9 month pregnant Tate finished the evening for the terrorists, who choked her, burned her, and stabbed her repeatedly in the back, breast, neck, and womb.
Kathy Boudin, also an SDS bomber on the FBI’s Most Wanted list, murdered two policemen and a Brinks armored car guard in a robbery in Nyack New York, in 1981. In a strange twist of fate, Brinks guard, Joe Trombino, who was shot several times in his upper arm and shoulder in that fatal robbery, would perish in the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001. Ayers were never tried for his crimes. Boudin got 20 years. She should have been hanged. Two of the terrorists involved in the 1981 Brinks robbery and murders, Susan Rosenberg and Linda Sue Evans, were pardoned from their 58 year sentences by Bill Clinton. (Surprise.) "I'm not repentant, that's for sure," Evans tee-heed after Slick Willie the Impeached unleashed her on the public.

Kathy Boudin, said that she "hated her white skin and the privileged life-style she lived before she became a subversive." Her father, Leonard Boudin, was a communist, her home "a salon for leftist intellectuals." On more than one occasion, Mr. Boudin defended his daughter's terrorist acts and he is reputed to have secretly funded some of her subversive activities, perhaps the fatal 1970 bombing of the Army Math Research Center at the University of Wisconsin? An innocent graduate student, working late one night, was killed in that one.
In August, 2001. Kathy Boudin told state prison officials that her life had given her, “a certain moral identity." She told parole officials, "I kind of saw myself as Joan of Arc." After that, Boudin's first bid for parole was denied. She can reapply in two years. (NY Post)
Others who, during the Vie Nam Era dedicated themselves to the destruction of America and Christian civilization through murders, bombing and mayhem, what we call “TERRORISM,” were Judith Clarke; David Gilbert; Eva Rosahan; Eleanor Raskin; Jerry Rubin; Jane Alpert; Mark Rudd, all ‘Weathermen.’ Their published ‘Manifesto:’ to, "loot and burn and destroy, we are the incubation of your mother's nightmares."
Bernadine Dohrn had been involved in 25 bombings. In an act of judicial cowardice, Federal Judge, Fred G. Suria, Jr., gave her only 3 years’ probation, saying: "She has suffered enough through her years of hiding, separated from her family and friends." At her sentencing she told the judge that she was still "committed to the struggle…" Up yours, judge…
“OW! The police dog is biting me!”
Whining when you get exposed:
“De Borchgrave says "perhaps one day Mr. Arnett will issue his mea, hopefully maxima, culpa."But de Borchgrave is not content to assassinate Arnett. He has others in his sights. He goes on to smear Cora Weiss, a lifelong peace activist who heads the Samuel Rubin Foundation (which gives The Progressive small grants). He calls her "pro-communist." And he smears Richard Falk, a professor of international law (and a member of the Progressive's Editorial Advisory Board). He says Falk was "long active" with "a Moscow front group…This kind of ugly libeling want out of fashion in the 1950s--at least I thought it did.”
From” the ‘Progressive: JUNE 17, 1999’
Jane Alpert, another revolutionary of the 60’s, paints a pretty picture of the treasonous Weatherman Organization in her book, "Growing Up Underground," promoted by William Morrow Publishers. In 1974 and, Alpert confessed to conspiracy in the bombing of eight New York government and corporate buildings. She was given a three year sentence in prison, served one, and later revealed that her wealthy parents had financed her underground activities. On and on we go.
These are the “domestic enemies” referred to in our constitution and from whom public servants swear by oath to protect us. Yet these killers and many others like them weren’t vilified by the nation as they should have been. In fact, they have achieved cult status. Why?
National Lawyer’s Guild and the Weather Underground
(author sourced out/protected)
The NLG’s ties to the Weather Underground Organization (WUO) date back to the early 1960s, when Students for a Democratic Society militants began working with NLG lawyers also active with the NECLC and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). As SDS demonstrations increased in militancy and violence, legal defense work by the NLG and its Mass Defense Office became invaluable to the SDS organizers. NLG national organizers Ken Cloke and Bernardine Dohrn participated in planning sessions, along with NLG staffers such as Dana Biberman, herself becoming a leading WUO member, and Alicia Kaplow. Dohrn, herself a law school graduate, and Cloke recruited radicalized law students, many of them former SDS members, into the NLG. And a number of these NLG law students, including Eleanor Stein Raskin, joined the terrorist underground as fugitives.
When those Weathermen who faced criminal charges disappeared in the early spring of 1970, NLG lawyers played key roles in maintaining communications among the terrorists.
On February 16, 1970, Weather Underground terrorists planted a bomb at a small police station in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. The bomb killed one police officer and wounded others. The press reported two suspects were seen running from the scene: a tall, long-haired blond male in his early twenties,and a stocky middle-aged male. The murder remains unsolved.
According to a defector from the Weather Underground then living in the WUO’s Bay Area collectives, only two Weathermen then active in the area at that time fit the description. Among the leaders of the Weathermen then present in the San Francisco Bay area were Lincoln Bergman; Arlene Eisen Bergman, who was also active with the WUO’s Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC); Julie Nichamin, who while visiting Havana early in 1969 became the initial organizer of the Venceremos Brigades; Karen Latimer and Scott Braley, both former leaders of the Michigan State University SDS; Jeff Jones and Clayton van Lydegraf.
Leonard Boudin, a paid agent of the Castro government since 1960, and his partner Victor Rabinowitz, were identified as members of the Communist Party, U.S.A. Both played major roles in the creation and activities of the National Lawyer’s Guild. On a referral from Jonathan Abt, Victor Rabinowitz was the attorney of choice for Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan…
In addition to working for the Cuban government, Leonard Boudin is the father of Weather Underground Organization (WUO) leader Kathy Boudin. Starting in the early 1960s, Kathy Boudin attended receptions and functions with her parents at the Cuban Mission to the United Nations in New York.
In 1965 she studied for a year in the Soviet Union, was paid 75 rubles a month by the Soviet government and, according to her resume, taught school on a Soviet collective farm. Boudin’s stay in the Soviet Union was not part of any student exchange program. During this period it has been reported that the CIA intercepted correspondence between Boudin and her father in which he made arrangements for her to participate in one of the Communist World Youth Festivals.
Following the March 1970 explosion of a New York townhouse which killed three Weathermen who were constructing an anti-personnel bomb, Kathy Boudin disappeared. It was reported at the time that she and Cathy Platt Wilkerson were provided with false identification documents by the Cuban U.N. Mission with which they fled the United States for Czechoslovakia.
The declassified FBI report on foreign contacts of the Weather Underground Organization produced by the FBI’s Chicago Field Office reported that “OnFebruary 10, 1976, a source in a position to possess such information advised that Leonard Boudin...had indicated to a friend that Kathie [sic] was presently in Cuba.”
Dana H. Biberman, born February 24, 1951, is a veteran of the Columbia University SDS chapter. Biberman’s sister, Nancy, was also a veteran of the Columbia University SDS. In 1968 Dana Biberman joined the NLG national office staff where she remained for some four years, organizing mass defense of demonstrators and support work for the Panther 21 and doing NLG organizational work.
During 1974 and 1975 she played an active role in the formation of the WUO’s overt arm, the Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC). The FBI report states that in March 1975 Biberman traveled to Cuba as a member of the Venceremos Brigade (VB) 8th contingent. Internal PFOC documents circulated in 1976, summing up the group’s accomplishments during the previous year, noting that two PFOC members had been sent to Cuba with the Venceremos Brigade.
Biberman was an active member of the New York PFOC chapter, and its successor, the May 19th Communist Organization (M-19 CO). The M-19 CO can be characterized as the Weather Underground Organization’s own incipient Communist party. With Judith Clark and Eve Rosahn, Biberman was a member of the Committee for the Suit Against Government Misconduct, a PFOC-controlled group set up to publicize a damage suit by 10 WUO associates against the United States, FBI and present and former government officials.
Kenneth Cloke, born May 18, 1941, was an active member of SDS in the mid-1960s. According to the FBI report, “Cloke has directly been involved with the WUO since its submergence into the underground.” It is noted that the section of the FBI report on Cloke’s WUO activities notes that Cloke had been seen in contact with Bernardine Dohrn in the summer of 1971, when WUO fugitives were living in apartments in Venice, California. The report also contains two pages of additional material on Cloke’s work with the WUO which has been deleted as too secret to be released.
In 1967, while CPUSA veteran Victor Rabinowitz served as the NLG national president, Ken Cloke was hired as NLG national executive secretary at the same time Bernardine Dohrn was hired as national student organizer.
Also in 1967 Cloke joined the National Council of the NECLC, controlled by veteran CPUSA activists and lawyers including Victor Rabinowitz and Leonard Boudin. Cloke, and many other NLG activists with ties to the Weather Underground Organization, Black Liberation Army and Cuba, remain on the NECLC Executive Committee and National Council.
Dennis D. Cunningham, an NLG activist who has held office not only in the Chicago chapter, but has been regional vice president, had been active with the Chicago chapter of the WUO’s Prairie Fire Organizing Committee since early 1975. Cunningham’s WUO membership, and others, is readily verifiable in the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee report, “The Weather Underground,” published in 1975.
Cunningham was a member of the People’s Law Office, a Chicago group of NLG lawyers and legal workers, most of whom were members of the Weather Underground’s PFOC, or WUO/PFOC fronts such as the New Movement in Solidarity with Puerto Rican Independence (NMSPRI), through which the WUO provides support to its terrorist comrades in the FALN and the FALN’s overt political arm, the Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional(MLN).
Among the past and current members of the People’s Law Office were attorneys Michael E. Deutsch, an active PFOC member; G. Flint Taylor and Jonathan C. Moore, lawyers for violence-oriented radical plaintiffs suing the Chicago Police Department for having monitored their activities.
Michael E. Deutsch, born May 9, 1945, a member of the Chicago PFOC chapter. The FBI’s report on Weather Underground foreign contacts noted that NLG activists Dennis Cunningham and Jeff Haas hosted at least four meetings in their apartments to organize logistical support to WUO fugitives during the period January 7-10, 1971.
The FBI’s material on Deutsch’s foreign activities is deleted on national security grounds. Deutsch traveled to Cuba as part of the first official NLG delegation in the summer of 1972. According to Guild Notes (Vol. I, No. 3,Sept-Oct 1972), the NLG delegation also included Karen Jo Koonan of Los Angeles, closely associated with the WUO leadership; and Margaret Burnham, the step-daughter of the late CPUSA Political Committee member Hyman Lumer. Burnham went on to become a Municipal court judge in Boston, and an official of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR), a CPUSA front directed at the prisoner-organizing and civil rights movements.
Bernardine Dohrn was hired by the NLG as National Student Organizer in 1967. While still an NLG representative she traveled to Budapest, Hungary in September 1968 to meet with representatives of North Vietnam and the Vietcong terrorists. In July 1969 Dohrn and other SDS Weatherman leaders traveled to Cuba for more meetings with the Vietnamese Communists. New Left Notes (August 29, 1969) provided an eight-page special supplement describing what took place and stating that the Vietcong wanted the Weathermen to organize violent protests in the United States against support of South Vietnam.
Martin Stolar, a leading New York NLG activist, has represented many Black Liberation Army and WUO defendants. On May 12, 1975, explosives, knives and lock picks were discovered in legal envelopes in the possession of BLA terrorists Herman Bell, Albert Washington and Anthony Bottom. The three were being sentenced for the ambush murders of New York City police officers Waverly Jones and Joseph Piagentini in May 1971.
According to the New York Times, the three defendants had been in contact “with no one except their lawyers and court and correction officials.” This was the fourth escape attempt by the three BLA terrorists.
Jonathan C. Moore, of the People’s Law Office, and an active NLG member, represented activists suing the Chicago Police Department. InFebruary 1979 a federal judge ordered current intelligence files turned over to Moore, with the proviso they not be copied.
However, copies of the Chicago Police Intelligence Unit’s case files on the FALN terrorists were found in an FALN hideout in Milwaukee in April 1980.
The police intelligence documents found in the FALN’s Milwaukee hideout included a detailed listing of potential FALN targets in the Chicago area which were being given special police protection and a listing of dates and anniversaries most likely to be commemorated by the FALN with acts of terrorism. Also among the police intelligence files which had found their way from Moore’s custody in the People’s Law Office to the fugitive terrorists were profiles of known FALN support groups and of known FALN fugitives William Morales and Oscar Lopez-Rivera, naming known associates. No wonder law enforcement had little success in apprehending the FALN terrorists. To this day our judges have not altered their submissive behavior tothe NLG and their comrades.
Martin Garbus, co-counsel for WUO leaders Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, charged with the October 20, 1981 robbery of $1.6 million from a Brink’s armored truck and three murders. In 1977 the NLG sent Garbus to South Africa to “observe” the trial of Breyton Breytenbach, a white South African who confessed to being a member of and on a mission for a terrorist support network operated from France by the late Henri Curiel. A founder ofthe Egyptian Communist Party in the 1940s, and a first cousin of George Blake, one of the KGB’s top spies in the British intelligence service who successfully escaped from an English prison in 1964, Curiel’s network,Solidarite, was financed through a Soviet-controlled Paris bank used to launder funds for the “Euro Communist” parties, Communist-supported causes and, through Curiel, terrorist groups.
William Kunstler was co-counsel for Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert with NLG activist Martin Garbus. Kunstler told Moneysworth magazine in September 1975:
“The thing I’m most interested in is keeping people on the street who will forever alter the character of this society: the revolutionaries. Whether it’s the American Indian Movement, or the Black Liberation Army, or H. Rap Brown- a person or an organization - I’m really interested only in spending my talents and any assets I have to keep the revolutionaries functioning.”

Kunstler’s close associate is NLG attorney Margaret Ratner who is also on the staff of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), a tax-exempt litigation group formed by leading NLG members. In 1975 the CCR attempted to send an NLG team to aid the defense of leaders of the terrorist Red Army Faction (Baader-Meinhof gang) on trial in West Germany. The team included Peter Weiss, president of the board of the internationally active pro-terrorist think-tank, the Institute for Policy Studies; former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, later active in the IADL; William Schaap and Marge Ratner.
During 1977 and 1978 Ratner served on the staff of the Grand Jury Project, a pro-terrorist effort co-sponsored by the NLG and supporters of the Weather Underground Organization. In 1979 Ratner became a member of the Grand Jury Project board of directors. Her clients included West German terrorist Kristina Berster, caught illegally entering the United States after undergoing a nine-month terrorist training course in Aden; and Dylcia Pagan and Susan Tipograph, the common-law wife and lawyer respectively of convicted FALN bomber William Morales, who were subpoenaed after his escape.
A staff study, “Terrorism,” published by the House Committee on Internal Security in 1974, reported that Kunstler associates Stewart Albert and Judy Clavir were leaders of the coalition of Weathermen and alternative culture street-fighting militants known in the early 1970s as “Weatheryip.” The House report is extensive and quite revealing, implicating Albert with Jerry Rubin, the DNC Chicago riots, and Eldridge Cleaver of the Black Panthers.
Dear Tom and Jane: “We got your number”

Tom Hayden went to Hanoi with Jane Fonda. Each made several trips there while the war raged on. In collaboration for a propaganda mission with the NVA intelligence apparatus, POW’s Jackson and Johnson, black soldiers, and Dan Pitzer were released into the custody of Tom Hayden, who used Russian and Cuban guards armed with AK-47’s to keep the POW’s in line. Jackson, Johnson and Pitzer, a medic, had been held prisoner with Special Forces Major Nick Rowe. All but Nick Rowe were force marched through the marshes and jungles for 30 days to meet with Hayden, who took the POW’s to Lebanon on a Soviet jet, accompanied by Cuban and Russian soldiers who guarded the American POW’s.

SFC Pitzer slipped a note to an airport customs officer, who alerted Art Beacon, an American FAA official at the Lebanon airport on FAA business. This FAA officer placed himself between the Cuban and Russian soldiers and the POW’s. “Do you guys want to get off this airplane?” They made their escape over the frantic protests of Mr. Hayden.
Hayden was earlier engaged in the work of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in Atlanta and Tennessee, a gang that was heavily infiltrated with Communists and eventually gave birth to the Black Panthers. Tom Hayden is a graduate of the University of Michigan where he had become a campus militant.
A founder of the Marxist Students for a Democratic Society, Hayden drafted the Port Huron Statement of June 1962 which created the S.D.S., described by the late F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover as working "constantly in furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Communist Party throughout the Nation."
In 1965 he was honored by the radical Communist National Guardian, and in 1966, Tom Hayden was in Hanoi, accompanied by Staughton Lynd and Communist Party leader Herbert Aptheker, whose congressional candidacy Hayden sponsored in 1966. Indeed. Tom Hayden traveled freely in the Communist world from Cuba to Czecho-Slovakia.
Hayden applied his idea of participatory democracy" in Newark by exploiting racial grievances which erupted in five days of rioting in July 1967, during which twenty-one people were killed.
1968 was a high point for Hayden's career as a professional agitator. In April and May he led the riots at Columbia University; in July, he became national coordinator for the Presidential candidacy of Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver.
June through August, of 1968, Tom Hayden was in Chicago to coordinate the violence at the 1968 Democratic National Convention, actions that had been planned in Cuba the preceding summer, when Tom and many of his friends were the guests of Fidel, the KGB, and the other, ‘usual suspects.’
In January of 1973, Tom and Jane were married. But, just as the honeymoon was beginning, the happy couple was swept up in yet another controversy as returning P.O.W.s bore tragic witness to the lies this radical pair had told about prisoners being treated fairly and reasonably in North Vietnam. Hayden responded by calling the P.O.W.s who told of brutality at the hands of the Communists "liars, hypocrites, and pawns of President Nixon." The scarred and crippled veterans responded with vehement indignation.
"Liars, hypocrites, and pawns, are we?" wrote C.W.O. Roy E. Zeigler II, who had just spent five years in a North Vietnamese prison. "You sorry individual .... Men died at the hands of their captors and you have the audacity to say we were the best treated prisoners in any war in history. . . . I hope the ghosts of the men who died in prison camps come and haunt you."
Captain James Ray of Conroe, Texas, responded: "I would personally challenge that young lady [Miss Fonda] to look at the scars still visible on my arms from the tortures and tell me to my face that I'm a liar and a hypocrite."
Republican Congressman from Connecticut Robert H. Steele nominated Oscar winner Jane Fonda for an award as "the rottenest, most miserable performance by any one individual American in the history of our country .... Where does she get her colossal gall? I wonder if she would dare to make her charges to the faces of those men who were beaten with rifle butts in the jungle or to the captured airman who was tied down with wire while ants swarmed over his body until he thought he would be eaten alive?"
So much for fun with Tom and Jane…

Many Years later, David Horowitz, who has reinvented himself after breaking ties with the left, had this to say about Tom Hayden:
“During the Vietnam War, Tom traveled many times to North Vietnam, Czechoslovakia and Paris to meet communist North Vietnamese and Viet Cong leaders. He came back from Hanoi proclaiming he had seen "rice roots democracy at work."
“According to people who were present at the time, including Sol Stern, later an aide to Manhattan Borough President Andrew Stein, Hayden offered tips on conducting psychological warfare against the U.S.
“He arranged trips to Hanoi for Americans perceived as friendly to the Communists and blocked entry to those seen as unfriendly, like the sociologist Christopher Jencks.
He attacked as "propaganda" stories of torture and labeled American POWs returning home with such stories as "liars."
Even after America withdrew its troops from Indochina, Hayden lobbied Congress to end all aid to the anti-Communist regimes in Vietnam and Cambodia. When the cutoff came, the regimes fell and the Communists conquered South Vietnam and Cambodia and slaughtered 2.5 million people. When anti-war activist Joan Baez protested the human rights violations of the North Vietnamese victors, Hayden called her a tool of the CIA.
On the domestic front, Hayden advocated urban rebellions and called for the creation of "guerrilla focos" to resist police and other law enforcement agencies. For a while he led a Berkeley commune called the "Red Family," whose "Minister of Defense" trained commune members at firing ranges and instructed high school students in the use of explosives. He was also an outspoken supporter of the violence-prone Black Panther Party.
Why do these facts still seem important? It is not that I think a man cannot learn from his mistakes, or change his mind.
Far from it. I myself have recently published a memoir recounting my own activities in the radical Left, a past that I now regret. I find this history relevant not just because Hayden is now proposing himself as the chief executive of one of America's most important cities, but because he has never been fully candid about this past.
He has not owned up to the extent of his dealings with America's former enemies or to the true agenda of the Red Family commune, which was little more than a left-wing militia. He has remained silent about the criminal activities -- which included murder -- of the Black Panther Party, whose cause he promoted at the time.
His silence on these matters has been coupled of late with an ongoing attack on the FBI, the CIA and other authorities responsible for the public's security and safety.
Just last week Hayden, along with American communist Angela Davis and other '60s leftovers, led a march on Los Angeles City Hall organized by something calling itself the "Crack the CIA Coalition." (March, 1997 ;Bookmark:
During a meeting in Communist Czecho-Slovakia in 1967, Hayden had publicly threatened that President Lyndon Johnson had "better leave some men at home. Because, like Spartacus, whose fellow slaves in Rome protected his hiding-place by each claiming to be Spartacus himself, I am the Vietcong. We are everywhere! We are all the Vietcong!"
Still the same, after all these years…

Jane Fonda – HANOI JANE:
What effect did Jane's visit have on the P.O.W.s, who she insisted were being treated humanely by their captors? The Trenton Times for April 17, 1979, published the account of Captain John McCain of the U.S. Navy who spent nearly six years as a P.O.W. "One day," reports the Times, "his captors told him he would be taken to meet someone identified only as 'an American actress who is for peace.' He refused to see the actress, in part, he says, because he did not expect her to be the sort of person who would go home and tell the truth.
"He also refused because of the experience of a P.O.W. who had agreed to meet with some other Americans in the 'peace' movement. The 'peace' people commanded the P.O.W. to confess to war crimes. When he refused, repeatedly and adamantly, he heard a 'peace' person suggest to his captors that 'this young man needs to be straightened out in his thinking.' He was hung by his wrists until an arm pulled from its shoulder socket.
"For refusing to see the actress, McCain was confined for four summer months in an unventilated cubicle five feet long and two feet wide, and he was beaten and starved. Other prisoners suffering similar abuse also were made to suffer Jane Fonda's voice: The North Vietnamese piped into the cells recordings in which she urged prisoners to actively oppose U.S. policy, and told the world how well the prisoners were being treated."
In 1972, the NVA launched a massive offensive of 12 full divisions which were supported by tanks and heavy artillery. This was the Easter Offensive, and the invaders swept across the DMZ in the north and from sanctuary bases in Laos and Cambodia. Jane Fonda was in Hanoi during the NVA offensive, which was failing, beaten back by a determined ARVN and US Airpower directed by John Paul Vann. Fonda’s radio broadcasts, scripted by the NVA, were exhortations for the communists to hold on.
Jane returned from her stay in North Vietnam and proclaimed that, "They [the P. O. W.s] all told me, 'Call [our friends and families] and tell them to work in the peace movement. Tell them to work for McGovern. Tell them that we've got to get Nixon out of office.' "
Sure they did, Jane.

Republican Congressman Robert J. Huber of Michigan put it this way: "Examined from the evidentiary focus of a grand jury, the testimony of my colleagues establishes sufficient factual allegations to support indictments against Jane Fonda on the ground of conspiracy and under the Sedition Act (18 U.S.C. 2387)."

Lieutenant Colonel James Thompson, who suffered nearly nine years of nightmarish torture in a bamboo prison, said it straight out: "She and the others like her were traitors and I see no reason why they shouldn't be hung for it."

In February 1978, Hayden went to the White House and was "warmly received" by good ol boy President Jimmy Carter, who reportedly announced that he was "proud to meet" the S.D.S. revolutionary and praised him for "all the contributions that he had made" to the country. (American Opinion, June 1979)
Interview by Don North (Voices from the Past: The Search for Hanoi Hannah, Part I), with Hanoi Hannah, Thu Houng:
There were in fact many Hanoi Hannahs who worked here at Radio Hanoi during the war between 1965 and 1973, but Thu Houng was the senior and most frequently heard Hannah. Together, with Nguyen Van Tung, they wrote and taped three commentaries a day for broadcast to the Americans and South Vietnamese.
The effectiveness, real or imagined, of propaganda beamed out from Hanoi to the world may have been due to the presence of an American ‘advisor,’ Ms. Virginia Gift, employed by the Government of Vietnam to improve the English skills of Hanoi civil servants working on the broadcasts, who, learned English from Russian textbooks. Twice a week Virginia Gift attempted to "de-Stalinize" the Radio Hanoi newscasts.
"The main problem with their English is they learned it from Russians. They used a lot of Stalinist terms and double -talk that mean nothing to most English listeners. So I tried to purge the Marxist gobbledeguck and substitute straight English vocabulary. They learned fast and if it helped the world understand the Vietnamese, well then it's worth all my trouble."
Hanoi Hannah began her career with Radio Hanoi in 1955, when North Vietnam as an independent country began broadcasting to the world in several languages. She had been an English student at Hanoi University and was hired as the first English voice of Radio Hanoi at age 25. Her broadcasts directed toward American soldiers began in 1965 just after the U.S. Marines landed at Da Nang.
She does not like being compared to Tokyo Rose of World War II. Yes, she had read about Tokyo Rose but never studied her broadcasts or tried to emulate her style. Tokyo Rose was Iva Toguri, an American-born Japanese caught in Tokyo after Pearl Harbor and forced to broadcast. (As with Hanoi Hannah, there was no single Tokyo Rose. Twenty -seven different English-speaking Asian women, most of them Americans, broadcast to American troops during the Pacific War. But it was Iva Toguri who was singled out by muckraking journalist Walter Winchell and with the enthusiastic support of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, she was convicted of treason. Iva Toguri spent eight years in prison before being pardoned by President Gerald Ford in 1977.)
Don North: What about the foreigners who helped you during the war?
Hannah: The Australian journalist Wilfred Burchett helped from time to time and a French woman, Madelaine Riffaud. We did several interviews with Cora Weiss and Jane Fonda.
(Wilfred Burchett was named as a K.G.B. agent in sworn Senate testimony by the Soviet intelligence officer who had recruited him. The Russian later defected to the West. Burchett and Weiss have a connection to the Soviet Union's international psychological warfare apparatus, the World Peace Council. In 1952, he was a member of a Communist interrogation team (containing both Red Chinese and North Koreans) which ‘extracted’ (translation: tortured) phony germ-warfare confessions from American P.O.W.’s. In 1956, Wilfred Burchett again met with K.G.B. agent Karlin, this time in Moscow. His Australian passport had been withdrawn because of his activities in North Korea and he was traveling on documents provided by the North Vietnamese.*
Wilfred Burchett wrote for the American newspaper, 'National Guardian.' " which was described in 1966 by the House Committee on Un-American Activities as a “virtual official propaganda arm of Soviet Russia." Now renamed The Guardian, it declares that its purpose is "to assist in bringing to birth a new revolutionary political party, based on the working class, armed with the science of Marxism-Leninism, committed to socialist revolution.”
After the communist victory in Viet Nam, a former North Vietnamese official and a former Vietcong officer told of their personal knowledge of Burchett's activities as an advisor to the Communists in propaganda and psychological warfare.
When Burchett was exposed as a communist agent, the ‘usual suspects came out in his defense, ‘The Wilfred Burchett Support Committee: include Mia Adjeli, Frances Beal, Norma Becker, Noam Chomsky, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Dave Dellinger, Dick Gregory, William Kunstler, Corliss Lamont, Erwin Salk, Sidney Lens, Ruth Meyers, Beatrice Milwe, Sidney Milwe, Sidney Peck, Irwin Silber, Jack D. Spiegel, Amy Swerdlow, Cora Weiss, and Howard Zinn. The coordinators of the committee are Guardian staffers Abe Weisburd and Naseem Jamali. (Burchett material from The New American, 17 February, 2002).
Don: Thu Houng, you played a lot of American rock music, where did you get it?
Hannah: Yes, yes, we bought the music from progressive Americans who came to visit Hanoi. We also have our own music, but I think that the GIs like to listen to American music, it's more suitable to their ears, and we broadcast tapes sent to us from Americans against the war. These were most effective I believe.
Don: Many American soldiers think you received excellent intelligence on their unit positions and battle readiness and casualties. What was the main source of your information on US troops in Vietnam?
Hannah: US ArmyStars and Stripes. We read from it. We had it flown in everyday. And we also read Newsweek, Time and several newspapers. We could also intercept the AP and UPI wires and of course we had the news from our Vietnam News Agency and we rewrote it. We had many sources of news
Don: What were your main aims?
Hannah: We mentioned that GIs should go AWOL and suggested some frigging, or that is fragging. We advised them to do what they think proper against the war:
Transcript: “A Vietnam Black GI who refuses to be a victim of racism is Billy Smith. It seems on the morning of march fifteenth a fragmentation grenade went off in an officers barracks in Bien Hoa Army Base killing two gung ho lieutenants and wounding a third. Smith was illegally searched, arrested and put in Long Binh Jail and brought home for trial. The evidence that clearly showed him guilty of all charges and specifications was this: being black, poor and against the war and the army and refusing to be a victim of racism.” (Hanoi Hannah, 30 March 1968)
**Don: And what effect do you think you really had?
**Hannah: Well, we think the broadcasts did have some effect, because we see the antiwar movement in the U.S. building up, growing and so we think that our broadcast is a support to this antiwar movement. It's been over twenty years now. I am happy with what I've done.**
Hanoi’s war diplomats continued to stall at the Paris negotiations in hopes that the American anti-war movement would force the Administration to withdraw almost unconditionally from Vietnam. Every aspect of warfare was used, including the fifth column, ‘Red Army’ often spoken of by subversives like William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Kathy Boudin.
Don: Are you curious about the U.S.?
Hannah: I just want to be a tourist and see the people and the land. I have always compared our traditions of liberty, like those of Abraham Lincoln and Ho Chi Minh (from:Voices from the Past: The Search for Hanoi Hannah, Part II; The Sixties Project, 1993, Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH), University of Virginia at Charlottesville
Cora Weiss is sister to Peter Weiss, president of the Institute for policy studies. Cora Weiss set up shop in Paris during the ‘Peace Negotiations’ between Hanoi and the US. She tried to get POW families to make pro Hanoi propaganda in exchange for contact with the POW’s. None ever did.

In July 1965, ten members of Women Strike for Peace met with a delegation of North Vietnamese. This formal meeting between American communist sympathizers and official North Vietnamese representatives led to the Committee of Liaison, organized by WSP's Cora Weiss, which had the full support of Hanoi. Weiss described this activity in soft terms, belying the inherent cruelty, treason, and treachery it used so selfishly as “an initiative in citizen diplomacy.”

An account of Ms Weiss’ activities in this regard is recounted, in his book, “To Bear Any Burden,” by Al Santoli. Janice Dodge, wife of POW Ron Dodge, a pilot, tells:

“There was an antiwar activist, Cora Weiss, who was appointed by the North Vietnamese, to be liaison between the prisoners in Hanoi and their families. She was absolutely horrible. She told me-and many other wives and mothers-that if I wanted to correspond with my husband I would have to go through her. And she wanted the families to make antiwar statements. I told her that I didn’t want to talk with her.”

Ron Dodge’s body was returned to the U.S. in 1981. He was known to have been alive when his wife was confronted by Cora Weiss in Paris, 1971.

“At the instigation of Hanoi, the Committee of Liaison, co-chaired by Cora Weiss and David Dellinger, was formed to pass on POW letters to family members, more often than not including propaganda tracts written by the committee.” (LEFT BEHIND IN LAOS? Uncovering the Coverup; Zalin Grant). If they didn’t share common wartime goals, why did Hanoi make such an effort to work with Weiss and her brigade of conspirators?
By the spring of 1970, reports from the few POWs released or interviewed while in captivity revealed the harsh conditions, cruelty, and death threats that most of the POWs were subjected to on a daily basis. Anxiety, concern, and anger among the families was more than evident as massive letter writing campaigns were directed at both Hanoi and the U.S. Congress in attempts to pressure both governments into action on this issue. Two years of talks had produced no POW exchanges or releases and in light of recent negative POW reports, something had to be done.
On 13 November 1970, Cora Weiss was given the names of six known POWs who had ‘died’ in captivity. The information was provided by the North Vietnamese front organization known as The Committee of Solidarity with the American People, which was counterpart to Weiss’ bogus liaison group. They were two sides to the same coin, with like-minded goals and objectives: a communist victory for Hanoi and world communism. The names were used by Weiss to bolster her ‘credibilty.

A book by Van Tien Dung: OUR GREAT SPRING VICTORY. (1977). "An Account of the Liberation of South Vietnam by General Van Tine Dung, Chief of STaff, North Vietnamese Army," contains an afterward by Cora Weiss and Don Luce. Inscribed by Cora Weiss: "May 1977. To Bernie - Who also helped to liberate Vietnam! Cora." Liberate?
This monster, Cora Weiss, who benignly wrapped her vicious Marxist, pro Hanoi activity in Paris as ”…an experiment in citizen diplomacy,” remains a threat to this nation. Weiss continues to hide her desire for world communism behind a banner of “peace,” as this self-serving description of her suggests:
“Cora Weiss is a trustee of Hampshire College, President of the Hague Appeal for Peace; a Vice-President of the International Peace Bureau, international representative of Peace Action to the United Nations, and is a Joint Principal of Japan's Peace Boat Global University.
A lifelong ‘peace activist,’ she was a co-founder of Women Strike for Peace (1961) protesting atmospheric nuclear testing; a leader of the anti-Vietnam war movement, founded and directed the Committee of Liaison with Families of American Prisoners of War (1969-73), an experience in citizen diplomacy.”
She has a long record of support for the United Nations, and, although a Jew, Weiss founded and for ten years directed the Riverside Church Disarmament Program in New York city. Weiss promotes her ‘Global Campaign for Peace Education’ to be integrated into all schools.
Martin Luther King’s anti war speech of 1967, "Beyond Vietnam" was delivered at the Riverside Church one year to the day before he was killed. King made the outrageous and untrue declaration that the U.S. “murdered a million babies in Viet Nam” and said the U.S. “was on the wrong side in Viet Nam.” His speech was used as propaganda against U.S. POW’s and strengthened Hanoi’s resolve at a time when U.S. forces in Viet Nam were on the offensive and inflicting heavy losses on the NVA and Viet Cong.
Weiss, like William Ayers, (the SDS mad bomber and ‘professor of ethics and morals’ at U. of Illinois) believes that education is the key to America’s socialist future. She said, “…teachers, are the most important people in the world, for, when Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is fully implemented, every human being on earth would pass through your hands and, in the words of [communist and anarchist] Emma Goldman, "When...everyone is'll need no bombs, and no dynamite...." (Boston Daily Globe, Sept. 6, l897; quoted by Weiss in, “Peace Education - The 4th R,” at the United Nations’ Committee on Teaching, January 17, 2000 )
Until then one presumes that Weiss (and Ayers, who, told the NYT that he couldn’t preclude the use of explosives in the future) believes that bombs and dynamite will continue as necessary tools of revolution. Of course, now that they are old and gray and ascended in the ranks of global socialism they will get others to “loot, burn, and destroy.”
“…with the blessing of UNICEF, and many teacher organizations, is a Global Peace Education Campaign. We firmly believe that we can not have a peaceful people without educating for peace. Peace does not come with our DNA. The Hague Appeal for Peace has launched a campaign to train teachers and to influence ministries of education to consider adding peace to the core curriculum. Everywhere in the world children who go to school... learn the basic skills of reading,'riting and ‘rithmetic. The 3 R's. We propose a 4th R, reconciliation, which will help children confront their biases, re direct their aggressive behavior, learn to negotiate, and discover non violent peaceful means to relate to one another.” Negotiate what?
Of U.N. sponsored disarmament, civil as well as military, Weiss quotes no one less than President John F Kennedy, who said, " The program to be presented to this assembly, for general and complete disarmament under effective international control, moves to bridge the gap between those who insist on a gradual approach and those who talk only of the final and total achievement...It would achieve, under the eyes of an international disarmament organization, a steady reduction in force, both nuclear and conventional, until it has abolished all armies and all weapons except those needed for internal order and a new United Nations peace force." (United Nations, Sept. 25, 1961)
Article 26 (1) (2): “Education shall be directed to...strengthening of respect for human rights...educators shall promote understanding, tolerance, and friendship among nations, racial or religious groups and shall further the activities of United Nations for the maintenance of peace." Whose ‘peace?’
In an absurd contradiction, Weiss and her friends maintain their right to “armed struggle” as a legitimate tactic to achieve global Marxism but think the rest of us should undergo ‘conflict resolution’ brainwashing (like that taught in the ‘D.A.R.E.’ programs) and be disarmed:
Weiss: “A recent study conducted by the renowned Resolving Conflict Creatively Program ( RCCP), managed by Educators for Social Responsibility of NYC., in collaboration with the Board of Education and Columbia Univ. School of Public Health, concluded that children who had substantial instruction in the RCCP curriculum made more academic progress as measured by standardized reading and math scores; and of course, were more likely to choose non aggressive strategies for resolving conflicts. Teaching anger management and conflict resolution skills enhances academic performance.” (“Peace Education - The 4th R,” at the United Nations’ Committee on Teaching, January 17, 2000 )
A Culture of ‘Peace:’
Hague Appeal President Cora Weiss:

"We are here to consider new ways of thinking and new ways of doing for the century. We call that the new diplomacy. If we come away from this gathering knowing that in every school in the world, starting in the year 2000, every child will learn not only reading, writing, and arithmetic but also reconciliation, or peace education, we will know that we have taken a giant step towards guaranteeing a future safe for our children and our children's children."

"We are forging a new approach in which citizen advocates, progressive governments, and official agencies will work together for common goals. We will embrace the moral imagination and courage necessary to create a culture of peace for the 21st century and learn the steps needed to abolish war." (World Goodwill Newsletter 1999 No. 3)
Mantra of the New Group of World Servers:
“May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers. May the Love of the one Soul characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones. May I fulfill my part in the one Work through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.”
“All men and women of goodwill are invited to use the above brief dedication, silently and with focused attention, at 5 p.m. local time every day. It provides a simple means of linking up in thought with all those who are seeking to serve humanity, the new group of world servers.”
“Throughout the period of transition into a new world order of unity, peace and right relations, many groups of people of goodwill are emerging whose activities are characteristic of the new group of world servers.” (World Goodwill Newsletter 1999 No.3; Published by Lucis Trust)
It is interesting to note that, although these Marxist revolutionaries use the bomb, bullet, and bayonet to create and maintain totalitarian dictatorships (that’s when they feel comfortable enough to use the “ballot” – just look at “elections in communist countries…), they want to disarm everyone else, and not just in America. These are the organizations Weiss and her fellow communist international globalists have created to disarm us:
Amnesty International
Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress
Bonn International Center for Conversion
Bonn International Center for Conversion's (BICC) Help Desk for Practical Disarmament
British American Security Information Council
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
Canadian Firearms Centre
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
The Carter Center
Coalition for Gun Control (Canada)
Dunblane Against Guns
The Earth Times.org
Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence
Federation of American Scientists
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Firearms Litigation Clearinghouse
The Gun Control Alliance in South Africa
Gun Control Network
Handgun Control, Inc. and the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence
Human Rights Watch
International Alert
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
International Network on Disarmament and Globalization
Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research
Join Together
Minority Rights Group International (MRG)
NGO Committee on Disarmament
Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms Transfers
Organization of American States (OAS)
Pax Christi International
Peace Action
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Program on Security and Development at the Monterey Institute of International Studies
Project Ploughshares
Quaker United Nations Office
Small Arms Firearms Education and Research Network
UNDP/ Small Arms Reduction
United Nations Association of Greater Britain and Northern Ireland
United Nations Department of Disarmament Affairs Conventional Arms Branch
United Nations International Study on Firearm Regulation
Violence Policy Center
Viva Rio
War Resisters League
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
World Policy Institute
World Vision

Cora Weiss is also an active member of the Council on Foreign Relations”
CFR: February 10, 1999 , New York, NY: " American Arms Export Policy: A Review and Evaluation of Post Cold War Developments "
Speaker:JanneE.NolanGeorgetownUniversity Presider: Cora Weiss Samuel Rubin Foundation
And: CFR: June 12, 1997 , New York, NY
" Prospects for Reform of the United Nations and the Security Council "
Speaker: Razali Ismail Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the U. N
Presider: Cora Weiss Samuel Rubin Foundation (CFR)
United Nations Day,October 24, 1997
Sen. Margaret Reynolds, Australia; Noeleen Heyser, UNIFEM; Cora Weiss, International Peace Bureau; Pres. Hennadiy Udovenko, Ukraine; Pamela Adler-Fraser, International Womens Tribune Center; Gail Lerner, World Council of Churches, CCIA.
See: Powell,S. Covert Cadre. 1987 (Cora Weiss: pp15-6, 20, 31-2, 37-40, 79, 291-324)
Where do these people come from? Where do they get their money? For starters, see: Private Wealth and Public Power in the Search for Peace, report:
John Tirman, Dublin Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research July 2000: “How does philanthropy promote social change?” The funders group included people typical of the American elite, graduates of Harvard and Princeton, lawyers and journalists, and some who were wealthy themselves. They gravitated to this cause and to each other for many varied reasons, but they had a remarkably congruous view of the danger and their requisite response. Among them were Robert Scrivner, who headed the Rockefeller Family Fund; Cora Weiss of the Samuel Rubin Foundation; David Hunter, who headed both the Ottinger Foundation and the Stern Fund; Wade Greene, an advisor to five individuals in the Rockefeller family; David Ramage of the New World Foundation, Ed Lawrence of the Veatch Program, and W. H. "Ping" Ferry, an individual donor. They were joined by others in 1981 and 1982, forming a nucleus of an activist-oriented peace donors group. By 1984, some five or six dozen foundations were funding the peace movement, including some of the largest philanthropies in the country—the Carnegie Corporation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the W. Alton Jones Foundation.
And see: “Funding Subversion of National Security,” by: The Lao Veterans of America, Inc., BULLETIN BOARD, 08/21/2000
“From her glass tower at 777 United Nations Plaza in New York City, Samuel Rubin Foundation President Cora Weiss sees things with a clear sense of purpose in protracted terms. Her father, Samuel Rubin, built his Fabergé empire in the 1930s with clandestine help from Soviet-backed Communist groups;
“Such an ideologue was Rubin that he named his son Reed after U.S. Communist John Reed, whom the Soviets buried in the wall of the Kremlin. The elder Rubin founded and endowed the foundation where Weiss has been a fixture since at least the 1960s. During the Vietnam War, Weiss funded not only agitprop against U.S. military involvement in Southeast Asia but groups supporting Hanoi and the Viet Cong against U.S. troops. For decades she funded a range of hard-left groups from the Center for Constitutional Rights — which has litigated for the likes of CIA defector Philip Agee and Puerto Rican terrorists (Agee and one of the terrorists are living in Cuba) — to the Institute for Policy Studies. During the Cold War, though, most of the Samuel Rubin Foundation’s grantees were considered even by liberals to be on the far left.”
“Weiss never has broken with the hard left: Amid concern that a handful of conservative senators were threatening to derail decades-old arms-control processes, the largest or most active foundations convened a Peace and Security Funders Group, or PSFG, in Cambridge, Mass. The initial steering committee consisted of Weiss and her family foundation along with the Ploughshares Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the W. Alton Jones Foundation, the John Merck Fund, the Hewlett Foundation and the Ford Foundation. The PSFG welcomed smaller traditional defense and security funders to join but has a bylaw permitting any member to be expelled without cause. PSFG coordinator Wayne T. Jaquith has more than 30 years of movement activism under his belt. He and many grant-giving officials in foundations have worked together informally for decades. While the target then was “U.S. imperialism,” many of the big funders are promoting an imperialism of their own. At one PSFG meeting a MacArthur Foundation foreign-policy official said, “On some things I am an unabashed imperialist — feminism is one of them.” Weiss, in an October 1999 funders meeting, said she wanted to create more “sensitive” armed forces, saying she detested “men in uniform with guns” and outlining a campaign for global gun control and a plan to make every U.N. peacekeeping soldier attend gender and cultural sensitivity training. Once one sees that the big funders of defense and security policy are coordinated at the top, a lot of grants make more sense. “It’s rather like the FBI discovering that the mob had a council,” says a source inside the grants community. The big funders felt invincible. Last year’s Senate defeat of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, or CTBT, shocked the new funders group into overdrive. “I’m sitting here stunned at the defeat of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty — something many of us have worked on for 35 years,” Jaquith wrote to funders-group members in advance of their October 1999 meeting in San Francisco. Discussing the CTBT’s defeat at the San Francisco gathering, Weiss told members, “We have to organize. This is how all the anti-Vietnam demonstrations got funded — at a table like this.”
This poison is also known to invade supposedly conservative Republican administrations. The elder President Bush, George Herbert Walker, appointed left wing wacko and IPS fellow Strobe Talbot as Deputy Secretary of State,who in 1992 told Time magazine that in the coming century, ‘nationhood as we know it will become obsolete; all nations will recognize a single, global authority.’” Keep your powder dry.
So what’s the point of these pinstriped revolutionaries and limousine liberals, the ones who stay at posh hotels when they travel the global socialist network and live on the well healed edge of foundation grants and think tank subsidies? Go transnational, transcend the nation-state: "We have all come to the absolute conclusion that governments alone have been a dismal failure, that governments alone cannot create peace,” said Cora Weiss, president of the Hague Appeal for Peace, an international campaign for peace and justice, during a visit to Hofstra University in October, 1997.
Only a handful of these internationalist groups seeking “social change” were around in the 1960’s. Now, they number in the hundreds
“Arguably the most important, and, certainly, the largest peace-related international event of the decade was this year's Hague Appeal for Peace (marking the centenary of the first Hague Peace Conference called by Tsar Nicholas II in May 1899).
The brain-child of United States peace activist, and reputed human dynamo, Cora Weiss,[26] The Hague Appeal for Peace (HAP) describes itself as "an on-going civil society campaign for peace and justice," designed to prove to the world's governments "that civil society is serious, desperate, and fed up with war."[27]
By all accounts,[28] its conference in the Hague from 11 to 15 May was an overwhelming success. Some 3-4,000 people were expected to register, whereas nearly 10,000 activists, government representatives, and community leaders from over 100 countries showed up to attend over 400 HAP panels, workshops, and round tables to discuss and debate "mechanisms for abolishing war and creating a culture of peace in the 21st century."[29]
Indeed, the Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the 21st Century is so extensive[30] that one receives the impression that every one of the world's problems is addressed therein:
1Educate for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy;
2.Counter the Adverse Effects of Globalization;
3.Advance the Sustainable and Equitable Use of Environmental Resources;
4.Eradicate Colonialism and Neocolonialism;
5.Eliminate Racial, Ethnic, Religious and Gender Intolerance;
6.Promote Gender Justice;
7.Protect and Respect Children and Youth;
8.Promote International Democracy and Just Global Governance;
9.Proclaim Active Non-Violence;
10. Eliminate Communal Violence at the Local Level;
11. Enlist World Religions in Transforming the Culture of Violence into a Culture of Peace and Justice;
12.Advance the Global Campaign for the Establishment of the International Criminal Court;
13.Encourage Close Cooperation Between the Converging Fields of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law;
14.Reinforce Support for the International Criminal Tribunals;
15.Enforce Universal Jurisdiction for Universal Crimes: Building Upon the Pinochet Precedent;
16. Reform and Expand the Role of the International Court of Justice in the Context of a More Comprehensive System of Global Justice;
17. Strengthen Protection of and Provide Reparation for the Victims of Armed Conflict;
18. End Violence Against Women in Times of Armed Conflict;
19. Stop the Use of Child Soldiers;
20. Help Victims to Hold Abusers Accountable Under International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law;
21. Protect Human Rights Defenders, Humanitarian Workers and Whistleblowers;
22. Train Grassroots Organisations to Use National, Regional and International Mechanisms in the Enforcement of International Law;
23. Promote Increased Public Knowledge, Teaching and Understanding of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law;
24. Integrate Human Rights Protections into Conflict Prevention, Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction;
25. Build Upon the Successes and Failures of Truth Commissions and Political Amnesties
26. Establish a Universal and Effective System of Habeas Corpus;
27. Subject Warmaking to Democratic Controls;
28. Strengthen Local Capacities;
29. Strengthen the United Nations' Capacity to Maintain Peace;
30. Prioritise Early Warning and Early Response;
31. Promote the Training of Civilian Peace Professionals;
32. Refine the Use of Sanctions;
33. Strengthen Mechanisms for Humanitarian Intervention;
34. Engender Peace Building;
35. Empower Young People;
36. Support Unrepresented Peoples' Right to Self-Determination;
37. Strengthen Coalition-Building Between Civil Society Organisations;
38. Strengthen Regional and Sub-Regional Capacities for Peace;
39. Mainstream Multi-Track Diplomacy;
40. Utilise the Media as a Proactive Tool for Peacebuilding;
41. Promote the Conflict Impact of Policies;
42. Implement a Global Action Plan to Prevent War;
43. Demilitarize the Global Economy by Reducing Military Budgets and Shifting Resources Toward Human Security Programs;
44. Negotiate and Ratify an International Treaty to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons;
45. Prevent Proliferation and Use of Conventional Weapons, Including Light Weapons, Small Arms and Guns and Safeguard Personal Security;
46. Ratify and Implement the Landmine Ban Treaty;
47. Prevent the Development and Use of New Weapons and New Military Technologies, Including a Ban on Depleted Uranium and the Deployment of Weapons in Space;
48. Encourage Universal Adherence To and Implementation Of the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention;
49. Hold States and Corporations Accountable for the Impact of Military Production, Testing and Use on the Environment and Health; and
50. Build a Civil Society Movement for the Abolition of War.[31]
More organizations involved in the push for a Brave New World, North of the Border (Canada):
Canadian Council of Churches-Justice & Peace Commission,Anglican Church of Canada,Conference of Catholic Bishops-Social Affairs Commission,United Church of Canada,Lutheran Church-Office of Public Policy,Presbyterian Church of Canada,Ten Days for Global Justice,Womens' Inter Church Council of Canada,Canadian Churches Forum for Global Ministries,Development and Peace,Citizens for Public Justice,Project Ploughshares,Conference of Mennonites in Canada,Mennonite Central Committee,Scarborough Foreign Mission,Inter-Church Coalition on Africa,Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice,Canada Asia Working Group,Inter Church Action,Canadian Religious Conference-National,Inter-Church Committee on Refugees,Inter-Church Committee on Ecology, andInter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America.
Peter Weiss, Cora Weiss, the Rubin Foundation, and the Institute for Policy Studies:
“IPS was founded in 1963 by two former White House and State Department aides, Marcus Raskin and Richard Barnet, who set about organizing networks of "progressive" contacts on Capitol Hill, in executive branch agencies, and among academics. IPS placed its contacts in seminars with disarmament leaders and revolutionary activists who supported Fidel Castro's Cuba and various Third World "national liberation movements" backed by the Soviets. Together they worked out "alternative" U.S. policies - disarmament, ending military alliances, and nonintervention against Soviet aggression carried out through surrogates. IPS's main targets remain the NATO alliance, Defense Department, defense contractors, arms manufacturing companies and the intelligence agencies.
Richard Barnet provided a promotional blurb for The Iron Triangle in which he called it a "comprehensive and devastating analysis of the defense procurement process." He praised CEP's report as "a major accomplishment and of great importance." Barnet was listed among the CEP's first advisors and consultants in 1970, and from 1977 to 1980 was a CEP trustee.
The principal source for IPS funds(and a funder of the $100,000 CEP study) is the Samuel Rubin Foundation. The chairman of the IPS board of trustees and president of the foundation is Peter Weiss, husband of Cora Weiss and son-in-law of Samuel Rubin.
Until his death in December 1978, Samuel Rubin, retired chairman of Faberge, used his fortune to support the arts, medical research, charities and many radical groups in addition to IPS and its Transnational Institute(TNI) subsidiary. In 1935, the Comintern directed its parties into the "popular front," an era of Communist "respectability." Secret U.S. Communist Party members openly enrolled as Communists on the voter rolls for the 1936 elections. Among them was Samuel Rubin.
Peter Weiss, born 12/8/25 in Vienna, Austria, is the senior partner of the law firm Weiss, Dawid, Fross & Lehrman in New York. He is a member of several professional associations of patent lawyers and his firm specializes in trademark, copyright and international law. Weiss is a prominent member of the National Lawyers Guild(NLG), a radical lawyers association organized in 1936 with the assistance of the Comintern and lawyers from the Communist Party, U.S.A.(CPUSA). The NLG remains the U.S. section of the Soviet-controlled international lawyers' front, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers(IADL), which is controlled by the Comintern's successor, the Soviet Communist Party's International Department. In addition to grants to CEP through the Samuel Rubin Foundation and Fund for Tomorrow, Peter Weiss has been a direct funder of CEP.
For some 15 years, Weiss has been a leader of the Center for Constitutional Rights(CCR), a Tax-Exempt litigation group of NLG activists handling important cases against the U.S. intelligence agencies, and in representing Philip Agee's interests, Castroite parties and support groups for foreign terrorist movements. Radical attorney and prominent defender of domestic terrorists, William Kunstler, is a member of the CCR.
Cora Weiss, an officer of the Rubin foundation, gained notoriety as a leader of the U.S. anti-Vietnam coalitions who traveled to Paris and Hanoi for repeated meetings with the Vietnamese Communist leaders. Her organization, the ‘Committee of Liaison,’ interjected itself as a pro-Hanoi contact between American POWs and their families. Three POWs brought back by her group testified in the U.S. Senate that their release from Hanoi was conditional on their making anti-war propaganda statements for Weiss' "Liaison" group, an indication of the regard in which the North Vietnamese held her efforts. After the 1975 conquest of South Vietnam, Cora Weiss directed projects of two organizations sending material aid to Hanoi - Friendshipment and the Church World Service. In 1976, she was a key organizer of the July 4 Coalition's anti-bicentennial demonstration in Philadelphia. She subsequently became a leader of the U.S. disarmament movement and directed the Disarmament Program of Riverside Church in New York.
In 1978 Jon and Keiko went to Vietnam to make Vietnam: Picking Up The Pieces for PBS. Cora Weiss , one of DCTV's Board members, was instrumental in getting the visas to Hanoi and DCTV was the the first American TV crew in Vietnam since the U.S.-Vietnamese War. In 1979 Cora invited the Foreign minister to North Vietnam to a party at her house. From his worried remarks, DCTV's clever staff, deduced that there was going to be a war between his country and China, and they immediately applied for visas. By this time Jon & Keiko were in the process of getting blacklisted by PBS. They got their visas just as war broke out. Of all the networks only NBC had the wisdom and foresight to sponsor the trip. It was the beginning of a unique collaboration between a small independent TV center and a major network. DCTV finally had a large national audience
The head of IPS's Transnational Institute, Orlando Letelier, had documents at the time of his murder in 1976 showing that he was being paid money brought clandestinely from Havana via the Cuban diplomatic pouch. Letelier was sending political reports to Havana in the same way through the New York station chief of the Cuban Direccion General de Inteligencia(DGI), whose cover was First Secretary of the Cuban U.N. Mission. He was Julian Torres Rizo, identified as a DGI official in 1969 when he was working as a boathand on the ship carrying the first Venceremos Brigade members to Havana. Rizo, as he preferred to be called, had a "private" office at the Center for Cuban Studies in New York.
In 1977, an IPS research project that gathered psychological data and profiled hundreds of top U.S. corporate officials via general surveys and in-depth interviews with selected executives and family members, resulted in publication of a book, The Gamesman, by Michael Maccoby. Critics panned the book for superficiality, but not for lack of diligence in collection of data.
Cora and Peter Weiss have used two foundations under their personal control - the defunct Twenty-First Century Fund and the Fund for Tomorrow - to receive some $50,000 a year from the Rubin Foundation and redistribute this to radical projects working parallel to IPS and to the "independent" spin-off projects within the IPS network. These recipients include the Center for Cuban Studies, the North American Congress on Latin America(NACLA) and the Corporate Data Exchange(CDE).”
NACLA was formed in 1967 after the Tricontinental Congress in Havana by individuals associated with Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). NACLA said it was recruiting "men and women, from a variety of organizations and movements, who not only favor revolutionary change in Latin America, but also take a revolutionary position toward their own society." SDS leaders called NACLA the "intelligence gathering arm" of the radical movement. NACLA's published Methodology Guide recommends supplementing public source information by pretext interviews and phone calls, and NACLA has also planted or developed covert sources in government agencies and private companies. Over the years, NACLA materials have been used in a number of anti-U.S., Cuban publications.
Particular targets for NACLA information-gathering include companies supplying arms, anti-terrorist and police equipment to Latin America and Mexico; U.S. government defense, counter-insurgent and anti-terrorist programs; and oil, agribusiness, minerals and other U.S. companies with major Latin American operations.
NACLA veterans have included Michael Klare, head of IPS's Militarism and Disarmament Project and specialist on U.S. arms sales policies, anti-terrorist and counter-insurgency programs who lectures on such subjects at the University of Havana; and Michael Locker, head of the Corporate Data Exchange(CDE) that is funded by the Samuel Rubin Foundation via the Weiss’ Fund for Tomorrow. Locker is also on the staff of the Cuba Resource Center, Inc., a non-profit, Tax-Exempt pro-Castro corporation in New York City. (downloaded From: “Biographical Sketches of the Left;

Feminists (i.e., witches) were attempting to work their “magick” for a former member of the U.S. Weathermen, one of the most vicious terrorist organizations in the history of America, is quite consistent with the string of violence that runs through those who worship the mother goddess. But before we discuss the nature of this violence, it ought to be pointed out that the worship of a great mother goddess was very much a part of many pagan religions. And although these mother goddesses had different names and were independent personalities, they had similar functions and were essentially the same goddess. Thus, feminists are correct when they say, “[The mother goddess] was worshipped by many different peoples and by many different names: Ishtar by the Babylonians; Asherah and Astarte by the Canaanites, Hebrews, and Phoenicians; Isis by the Egyptians; Cybele by the Phrygians; Anahita by the Persians.” (Wimmin, Wiccans, AndGoddess Worship by Allan Turner )
In her book Changing of the Gods: Feminism And The End of Traditional Religions, feminist theologian Naomi R. Goldenberg wrote: “God is going to change...We women are going to bring an end to God. As we take positions in government, in medicine, in law, in business, in the arts and, finally, in religion, we will be the end of Him. We will change the world so much that He won't fit in anymore.”
Who will undo and re-do God's creative work? Satan, that's who, and all that are “deceived” by him. In taking the leadership role, Paul says “the woman being deceived was in the transgression” (I Timothy 2:14b). This second fact is not complimentary to Eve; but neither is it complimentary to Adam. Satan's ultimate goal in seducing Eve was to get at Adam. We know this is true because our race had not been totally corrupted when Eve sinned, and Satan knew this. It was not until Adam followed the leadership of his wife that the whole human race was corrupted (cf. Romans 5:12). In order for the human race to be corrupted, not only did Eve and Adam have to violate the direct commandment of God, but they also had to completely reverse their God-ordained positions toward each other: Eve her position of subordination, Adam his leadership; she gave him to eat, and he did eat (Genesis 3:6,12).
Based on what we have already learned, it does not surprise us that Jezebel, a witch and worshipper of the mother goddess (cf. II Kings 9:22), and Ahab, the most wicked king who ever ruled over Israel, are notorious examples of the topsy-turviness of Satan's universal religion: “There was none like unto Ahab, who sold himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord, who Jezebel his wife stirred up” (I Kings 21:25). Rebellion and witchcraft are clearly linked in God's Word (cf. I Samuel 15:23). In practicing witchcraft, Jezebel was in direct rebellion against God and His natural order. Ahab was king of Israel, but in effect, Jezebel was his lord.
According to initiates, Wicca, another word for Witchcraft, is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “to bend or shape.” Witchcraft, according to the witch, is a way of bending or shaping reality, by means of “magick,” which is defined by Starhawk as “the art of changing consciousness at will.” In turn, a changed consciousness creates a changed reality. This explains why, when Susan Saxe, a former member of the Weather Underground and a self-proclaimed feminist, was arrested and sent to Boston for trial, the feminist community there rallied to her support by forming “'energy circles'—sitting in a circle, holding hands, projecting empowering thoughts her way.”
But, of course, the feminists have put up an ideological smoke-screen. For instance, political feminists say that the abortion issue is not a right-to-life issue at all. Instead, the real issue concerning abortion, according to them, has to do with the “right” of the woman to exercise control over her own body. Taking this a step further, Starhawk, who teaches, ironically, that worship of the “Goddess...fosters respect for the sacredness of all living things,”15 says that the abortion question is really an issue of “the right to the freedom of sexuality and sexual expression.”16 Therefore, when she writes, “Love for life in all its forms is the basic ethic of Witchcraft” and “Witches are bound to honor and respect all living things,”17 she is engaging in not just propaganda, but disinformation. This should not be surprising to Bible believers who know that sorcery (witchcraft) and deception (lying) are portrayed as an ungodly pair in God's Word (e.g., Jeremiah 9:27-28).
Such rebellion is further seen in Ahab's and Jezebel's daughter, Athaliah, who was the wife of Jehoram, the fifth king of Judah. After the death of her son, Amaziah, she usurped the throne and reigned six years over the kingdom of Judah. In seizing the throne, she attempted to kill all the male members of the royal family. She succeeded in destroying all the royal seed except the infant Joash, who was hidden by the wife of the high priest (II Chronicles 22:11). Athaliah, the daughter of a witch and herself a worshipper of the fertility gods and goddesses, represents the only interruption of the dynasty of David in the Southern Kingdom. Furthermore, as a follower of that crafty, old Serpent, the Devil, she came within one infant of destroying the lineage of Messiah. Surely, in such activity one cannot miss seeing the footprints of the Serpent.
As was pointed out previously, although adherents of the mother goddess vehemently deny it, human sacrifice and violence have historically been an intricate part of goddess worship. The definitive book on this subject, The Golden Bough, was written by Sir James Frazer and was published in 1900. Even Robert Graves, who has probably been the greatest force for the revival of interest in goddess worship, wrote in his book, The Masks of God, that “human everywhere characteristic of the worship of the Goddess.”18

Satan's universal religion is the complete antithesis of true religion. Consequently, it is also contrary to divine order (i.e., “nature”). The Bible teaches us that the “headship” of man is part of that divine order (Ephesians 5:22-24). In emphasizing this point, the apostle Paul, in I Timothy 2:13, appeals to the “Beginning” just as Jesus had also emphasized the divinely ordained nature of the marriage relationship by an appeal to the “Beginning” (cf. Matthew 19:4-5). Paul's argument for women being “under obedience” (I Corinthians 14:34b) and not “teach[ing], nor...usurp[ing] authority over the man” (I Timothy 2:12) is based on two equally fundamental truths: “For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression” (I Timothy 2:13-14).
Adam was created “first” and existed for some time before Eve was formed; therefore, one must conclude that Eve was not to be Adam's leader. Recalling God's declaration before His forming of Eve makes this clear: “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18). The Lord then presented her to him. It was then that Adam declared her to be “bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:22-24). Then Adam, the “Man” (Ish), called her “Woman” (Isha) because she was taken “out of Man.” Paul, in arguing that “the head of the woman is the man” in I Corinthians 11:3, stated it thusly: “For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man” (I Corinthians 11:8-9. In other words, both her origin and name “are derived [from man] and thus second and secondary and not first and primary.”30 This is why the terms “womin” and “wimmin” are preferred by today's Jehovah-hating, radical feminists.
Far from characterizing peace and harmony, murders and violence of the most hideous sort were always manifested by this religion. Correspondingly, the “Love” that was an integral part of paganism, and continues to be touted in neo-paganism, is Eros (i.e., lustful, sensuous passion). Consequently, the worship of the fertility gods and goddesses is always associated with immorality of the grossest kind—so gross that even the Greek historian Herodotus termed it totally disgraceful. Although he wrote that “it is a shame even to speak of those things which are secret” by those who manifest the “unfruitful works of darkness” (Ephesians 5:12-13), the apostle Paul mentioned both the female lesbianism and male homosexuality that is the end result of “vile affections” or uncontrolled passions (cf. Romans 1:26-27).
… the Waltham, Massachusetts campus, Brandeis was the most radical academic environment in America. Abby Hoffman, one of the members of the Chicago Seven, was a senior when I was a freshman. His wife, Shelia Caughlin, on whom I had a wicked crush, was the president of the art club. I hung out and drank endless cups of coffee with Angela Davis and others bent on fomenting social revolution. At one point half the criminals on the FBI most wanted list seemed to be Brandeis graduates including the fugitives Susan Saxe and Cathy Powers who were involved in a bank robbery that resulted in the death of Officer Schroeder the father of some 13 children.
Betty Rudnick: LESBIAN
Betty bided her time in nursing jobs in Houston, then Lafayette, Louisiana. During her graduate work at Columbia, Betty had made good connections nationwide with most of the deans of nursing schools in the U.S. She got a call from the dean at University of Kentucky, and went there to be an assistant dean for medical surgical nursing.
Two Women, a Bank Robbery, and the FBI
While living in Lexington, Kentucky, Betty helped start a women’s group in 1974 that met in people’s houses and went on to start a rape crisis line.
Two of the women who started coming were new in town, having been honor students at Brandeis University in Boston. One became a baker at a health food store near the university; the other one, according to Betty, was "this funny-looking kid." The "funny-looking" one wanted to start a women’s self-defense course. "At my house, okay?! I had a house with a yard, and she would teach people how to fall." Betty also remembers that she showed up at a class Betty was teaching on Women and Alcohol.
"So one day she called and needed $100. Her mother was sick, and could I lend her $100?" The woman said she couldn’t use a check, it needed to be in cash. "I gave her the $100 and went on about my business. And soon one of my friends came into the faculty lunchroom there and said, ‘Have you seen this week’s Time magazine? Doesn’t this look like that funny kid that’s been following you around for the last six months?’ I said, ‘It does seem to resemble her....’"
So there in Time magazine were pictures of these two women from Brandeis, appearing on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list! Betty called up a friend who was in the women’s group and happened to be a top director for the Girl Scouts, and asked her if she’d seen the Time article. "She said, ‘I have, and I think it would be a good idea if we didn’t make contact for a while.’" Betty answered, "Gotcha."
Within a day or so, sure enough, the FBI (the "federal fuzz," as she called them) appeared at her office, wanting to know all about the young women. Although she had researched the law, and knew she wasn’t required to answer, nonetheless, "with great courage and bravery, I told him everything I knew, hoped to know, ever would know."
It came out later that these women wanted to "take back the streets for women." However, they got mixed up with a couple of ex-offenders who had their own ideas of how to achieve social change, recalled Betty. "These fellas met these young women, and they told them, ‘If you are going to take back the streets, you are going to need money. And you are going to need armaments.’ And so the ex-offenders planned these robberies from armories, and then a bank. And, in the robbery of the bank, they killed a guard." The two young women had driven the getaway car. The ex-offenders were caught in short order, but the two young women had gotten away.
The FBI assigned an agent to keep tabs on Betty from that point on, for 11 years. "They would call me and say, ‘Have you heard from so-and-so?’ No, I hadn’t heard. Hadn’t hoped to hear."
Susan Saxe was picked up on the streets of Philadelphia in March 1975. Katherine Powers made her way to Oregon and ran a couple of restaurants. A former winner of the Betty Crocker Homemaker Award for Sewing, Powers eluded the FBI for 23 years before turning herself in.
(Historical note: During this period in 1975, the FBI was intercepting phone calls and mail and generally intimidating leftists and lesbians in Lexington. Unlike Betty, six people refused to testify, and they were arrested, held, and mistreated [as chronicled by Jim Sears in Rebels, Rubyfruit and Rhinestones: Queering Space in the Stonewall South, to be published June 2001 by Rutgers University Press]. Lesbians around the country feared that the FBI could come knocking on their doors at any time during this period, as the FBI used the fugitive situation as a cover to go on a "fishing expedition" in lesbian communities.)
The shadow of the FBI persisted in Betty’s life. In January 1986, when Betty was teaching at Texas Woman’s University in Houston, President Reagan was coming to NASA to make a speech commemorating the crew members who died in the Challenger explosion. The day of the visit, Betty received a call from the FBI asking her what she was planning to do that day. "‘Well,’ I said, ‘I had in mind to go to work and teach a couple of classes.’ And they said, ‘Well, we would like for you to go to work, and for you to stay at the Texas Woman’s University until we call you and tell you that President Reagan has returned to Washington.’" The president could rest assured that he was safe from any threat from Betty Rudnick, thanks to the diligence of the FBI.
The Return Of The Fugitive
Sep. 27, 1993
After 23 years in hiding, Katherine Power relinquishes her freedom
By MARGARET CARLSON/WASHINGTON--Reported by Joelle Attinger/New York, Sam Allis and Tom Witkowski/Boston and James Willwerth and Miko Yim/Corvallis
To her mother she was never Alice Metzinger, the teacher and restaurant consultant who lived an exemplary life in Oregon. To her mother she was Kathy, a daughter she had last seen 23 years ago on a weekend visit from Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. The National Merit scholarship finalist, the winner of a Betty Crocker Homemaker award, the valedictorian of Marycrest, her Catholic high school in Colorado, Katherine Ann Power was the family's "pride and joy," says her older brother. She gave no hint that she was anything but a sweet and bookish child happy to be with the large Power brood.
That weekend in 1970 would be the last time anyone in her family would see her -- until last Tuesday. In the intervening years, she would be the object of the largest womanhunt in FBI history, one that kept her on the 10-most-wanted list for 14 years. But in the past decade, she was largely forgotten. She fell off the list. She even disappeared from the records at Brandeis. Says Catherine Fallon of the alumni office: "She is not in our data base. It's like she never was here." Her reappearance and surrender in Boston last week produced a surge of images among those who had lived through the turbulent '60s and early '70s -- flower children, protest marches and violence in the name of peace. Power was an apparition from another time, an era whose idealism now seems musty and quaint except when it went badly awry. Power still felt the agony of her deeds, and she finally relinquished her freedom to the memory of a crime that would not let go of her conscience.
Through the years, the only memory the Power family had of their daughter was yellowing newspaper clips they had sorrowfully added to a family album the day their daughter-turned-radical robbed a bank. A policeman, the father of nine young children, was murdered. As the years passed, one brother feared that Kathy's parents "would die before there was a chance to mend fences." But last spring they received a call from an FBI agent working on the case. She was negotiating with a woman who might be their daughter. What questions could she ask that only the real Katherine Power would know?
Ask this mysterious woman who the neighbors were on one side of the house in which Kathy grew up, her parents said. What were their habits? Who was the friend in eighth grade who had a life-threatening illness? Who was the relative who used to take Kathy fishing? The woman answered the questions correctly; so on Sept. 5, 1993, her parents and siblings not only learned Katherine Power was alive, but also that she was married and had a teenage son. Katherine's mother cried.
In Oregon, the woman who called herself Alice Metzinger was struggling with secrets. She had become so worn down that in May 1992 she made her way to a night class on depression at Albany General Hospital. Therapist Linda Carroll remembers laying eyes on her for the first time. "I've never seen anybody in such psychic pain," recalls Carroll of the woman who raised her hand to ask a question but began to sob so hard she couldn't get the words out. At the last session, Metzinger went up to Carroll and told her she would like to come to her office. "She was pure depression," says Carroll, who was given permission by her patient to talk publicly. By then, Metzinger could not sleep and thought of suicide. Apart from depression, Carroll was convinced there was something more. "I knew she had a story, and that if I was going to work with her she was going to have to tell it."
Metzinger's story was more shocking than anything Carroll could have imagined. To friends and neighbors, she was mild-mannered Alice, who had moved to Oregon's Willamette Valley 15 years ago with her infant son Jaime (she has never named the biological father). She became involved with a local meatcutter and bookkeeper, Ronley Duncan, and established herself as a valued consultant to the area's gourmet restaurants. She trained cooks at M's Tea & Coffee House, where she was famous for her Friday special -- black beans and rice with Martinican sauce.
But the name "Alice Metzinger" had been lifted from the birth certificate of an infant who died the year the gourmet chef was born. Metzinger was really Katherine Ann Power. Before coming to the Northwest, she had lived underground for nine years in women's communes. Before that, she was a straight-A sociology major, who had become a central figure of the Brandeis Strike Information Center, a clearinghouse for information about student strikes all over the country. Professor Richard Onorato, then dean of students, recalls that she had broken into the student-council office to steal stationery to print a political statement. "If that had been all that had happened, it would be something to remember and smile about."
But she would go so much further. She had become more radicalized in the spring of 1970 when Nixon sent troops into Cambodia and four Kent State student protesters were killed by the National Guard. Power had also fallen under the spell of Stanley Bond, an ex-convict who had enrolled in an inmate-education program at Brandeis. Three hours after meeting him, Onorato says, "I went to the dean of faculty to object because within a half-hour's conversation with him I thought this boy was borderline psychotic." But to Power he was a romantic revolutionary who could help the movement secure its goals. Along with Bond, her roommate Susan Saxe and two other ex-convicts, a plot was hatched to hold up a Brighton bank to get money to buy explosives to melt down the wheels of trains that carried weapons. Those weapons would then be used to arm the Black Panthers.
While that was bad enough, the heist turned tragic when Boston police officer William Schroeder, 42, responded to a silent alarm and William Gilday Jr., one of the ex-cons, who was parked as a lookout across the street, unloaded his submachine gun into Schroeder's back. In the eyes of the law, Power might as well have committed the crime. Like many other states, Massachusetts has a rule that says if someone is killed in the course of a serious crime, all participants can be charged with murder. The three men were captured, but Saxe and Power got away.
Power was not a wide-eyed nonviolent radical who had fallen into a bad crowd. Power herself was ready, if not willing, to kill for her cause. In her Back Bay apartment, police found three rifles, a carbine, a pistol, a shotgun and a huge store of ammunition. She is accused of having fire-bombed the National Guard Armory in Newburyport, Massachusetts -- just days before the bank robbery.
When the enormity of Power's past emerged, Carroll sent her patient to a psychiatrist for antidepressant medicine called Trazodone. Although Power had problems peculiar to her, she also suffered from a chemical imbalance that had plagued her father years earlier. Carroll also sent her to a lawyer, Steven Black, who would eventually engage a prominent Boston attorney, Rikki Klieman.
As Power got stronger, she married Duncan, with whom she had been living for 13 years -- and shared her secret with him. She allowed acquaintances to become friends and did hopeful things like paint her house. But she became frightened by the death she knew would have to happen if she were to become whole again -- the death of her life as Alice Metzinger. "The challenge of working with her," Carroll recalls, "was that her future had a dead end."
Lawyers Black and Klieman began 14 months of negotiating with the authorities -- a year that gave Power time to gradually reveal herself to those who had come to love Alice Metzinger. On Sept. 12, Alice Metzinger held a going-away party, where she announced that she was headed for prison. Her friends showered her with gifts of good-luck charms, a stone and a feather, and a map of the night sky, which Robin Llewellyn, a co-worker at the coffee shop, says was given to her so that "she can experience the outside without being outside." Power's husband told TIME, "When she would be asked about her past, she would just not talk about it. But she wanted her life back. She wanted her truth back. She wants to be whole."
Last week Kathy's parents flew to Providence, Rhode Island, and registered under false names at the Sheraton Commander Hotel on the fringes of Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts. On the afternoon of Sept. 14, Kathy knocked at their hotel-room door and re-entered her parents' lives. They had time for four hours of catching up, exchanging tales of nephews and nieces and teenage grandchild. The following morning Kathy surrendered at Boston College law school in Newton. A few hours later, the Powers watched as she pleaded guilty to charges of armed robbery and the reduced charge of manslaughter.
In court, she described her torments over the death of officer Schroeder. "His death was shocking to me, and I have had to examine my conscience and accept any responsibility I have for the event that led to it." But she added in her only public statement, "The illegal acts I committed arose not from any desire for personal gain but from a deep philosophical and spiritual commitment that if a wrong exists, one must take active steps to stop it, regardless of the consequences to oneself in comfort or security."
By that evening, Kathy Ann Power, who had been Alice Metzinger, had assumed yet a third identity: inmate number 9309307. Instead of the gourmet food she had earned a living cooking, she had tuna and canned soup in her cell at Nashua Street Jail. (Of Power's accomplices, Gilday is serving a life sentence for pumping the shots into patrolman Schroeder. Her former roommate Saxe is now working for a Jewish charitable organization in Philadelphia; captured in 1975, she served seven years. She sent a note to Power last week asking for a reunion, and Power has said yes. Stanley Bond is dead. He blew himself up in 1972 while trying to build a bomb to blast himself out of prison.)
Power's husband says she plans to make a formal apology to the Schroeders at her sentencing on Oct. 6. The officer's family remains bitter about the crime. "It's always been with us. We think about it every day," says Francis Schroeder Jr., who still has vivid memories of policemen lining the hospital corridor to give blood to his dying uncle. But, says Duncan, "she did not return out of guilt. She's here to answer, not assuage their sorrow." His wife, he adds, has asked if she can get into "some victim-perpetrator reconciliation program."
Power has trouble remembering the first part of her life as a fugitive. "This vagueness hasn't gone away," says her husband. "Her memories have not returned in any detail." As part of her surrender agreement, she will continue to receive the antidepressant Trazodone. "This is vital," says Duncan. As for himself, he plans to raise their son Jaime as a single father. But, he says, "it will be an empty life." He still calls his wife "Alice."
Copyright (c) TIME Magazine, 1995 TIME Inc. Magazine Company; (c) 1995 Compact Publishing, Inc.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThoughts On The Surrender Of Kathy Power Interview With North American Political Prisoner Marilyn Buck This interview with U.S. political prisoner Marilyn Buck is aresponse to the Newsweek article of September 1993 concerningKathryn Anne Power. The interview was for the Downtown, a New YorkCity weekly, December 1993. Why do you think Newsweek chose to do the story on Kathy Power atthis time? In a capitalist society, fame and recognition are commodities,usually with a very short sales life. The moment is exploited forall its worth; often times by the individual or institution in thespotlight, but all the time by the media, the illusion-makers. Theycreate the saints and the demons. Captures, particularly surrenders, are moments of celebrationfor the state - a chance to affirm its power, despite its beingdisavowed or challenged. Imagine challenging the power of thebiggest, baddest domestic and international military machine on theplanet! How dare they, we,! To psychologize, and labelsuch behaviour as deviant is imperative. Never again does the statewant to see an uncontrollable or unpredictable rise of differentsectors of the population against its policies and programs, or itsexistence as such. The U.S. incessantly broadcast that the bombingof Iraq and the supposed national consensus supporting thatmanufactured military manoeuvre has laid to rest the infamy of thedefeat in Vietnam. It has a pathological fear of decolonization andnational self-determination. Standing in the '90s, the propagandaestablishment seizes every opportunity to declare the '60s - thattime of standing up for liberation, justice, self-determination,and against the status quo of white Amerikka - dead, an aberration. Kathy Power's surrender was perfect for spectacularization.Her surrender was a perfect vehicle to reinforce the"see-what-happens-when-you-stray-from-white-Amerika" line. The isnot the first time sensational stories have hit the press about theradical returned to the fold. Most recently, there was an interviewin the N.Y. Times, Living Section, with Bernadine Dohrn. There isa fascination with a woman who defied the system, who she is today, and a reassurance that she has been cured of "excessiveopposition." How would you characterize Newsweek's political and ideologicalslant on the Power article and the accompanying piece by JaneAlpert. Newsweek fulfilled its ideological and political role in howit presented this story:Woman-in-misery-because-of-her-political-past. They would have liketo have squeezed out an admission of remorse, but being depressedhad to do. I think it's interesting that the Newsweek article chose notto say anything substantial about here current political views. Isshe still anti-racist, pro-Black liberation, against U.S.imperialism? Her statement upon surrender is not reported in thisarticle. Perhaps because she did not capitulate in here earlierbeliefs that war was wrong, that Black Liberation was important tosupport. Newsweek ignored what she said, and instead relied on apseudo-psychological rendering - focusing on depression and theBetty Crocker lifestyle (Of course, they forgot to cite anystatistics on the prevalence of clinical depression in white-middleclass women in their forties..) By concentrating on the past, the"moment" and the flight, as well as the reintegration into the safewhite world, the media did not have to say a word about who KathyPower is as a political person living in the world. Anotherreassurance to the readers. From reading Newsweek and otherarticles, I don't have much of a clue as to who she is socially orpolitically. My first response was "oh, the prodigal son/daughterline". If Kathy Power's depression doesn't provide an example of"divine punishment", then Jane's (Alpert) middle Amerikkkannightmare should flesh it out - struggle against the system is achildish illusion, a romantic diversion that turns out no to besuch a lark after all. Jane's piece is intended to say "resistancedoesn't pay", from one who can say she too challenged the state,but repented. Under the guise of feminism, Alpert continues to bequite a vocal mouthpiece for reconciliation with the system,patriarchal or not. The actual intent of the Newsweek article, as well as themajority of the "establishment" media, is to continue todeligitimize resistance to U.S. imperialism and capitalism toutedas democracy. Despite its inherent weaknesses, the U.S. has emergedmore predatory, in the absence of any countervailing power. It isa warning... "Don't even try it". Even the "Revisiting the Radical gallery, while stating thebare facts, is designed to say, "see, it's only a phase, you cannotwin!" Why do you think Newsweek uses a lot of psychological jargon inthis spread? Newsweek uses a psychological format to examine "objects" ofits focus. Also to convince people they know what they are talkingabout. The state is obsessed with trying to understand why whitepeople would "drop out" or challenge the system. They won't admitthat there is something seriously pathological in the system, sothey seek to convince the public there is something wrong withthose who oppose their system. The expectation and heady sensation of change in the '60s and'70s may be overwhelmed by two decades of unrelenting conformismand systematic desensitization of political, social, and moralconscience, but the reality of oppression, exploitation and socialinjustice is greater than ever. It will not disappear. Even now itis intolerable. Too much white supremacy, too little justice andtoo few jobs. The L.A. uprising was only one seismic shock to thisstructure. The demand for justice and national liberation has notsubsided. Here in the oppressor nation, there is still a segment ofwhite youth who drop out, become anti-establishment punkers drawnto hip-hop and the rap of the besieged African-American youth, whoare alienated and angry, sometimes not yet exactly sure why, butsquatting, looking for new forms of protest, examining history,asking questions and rejecting a history of racism and genocide;youth who are consciously, deliberately opposed to this system.There are still socialist, anarchists, anti-racists andanti-fascists. There are thousands and thousands of women lesbianswho refuse to go back. The potential for struggle within thisoppressor nation has not been crushed or thrown into the wastebinof history. Are there any similarities between Kathy Power's life and yours? I am a woman who has lived a number of years in clandestinity.There are of course some similarities in our lives - being white,from the middle classes, having become political activists in the'60s against the war in Vietnam, and for Black Liberation; and weboth lived lives underground. For myself, I know that becoming apolitically active woman was not an overnight experience, that Iwas not led by some charismatic character. It was a thoughtfulprocess, an examination of what the nature of this system is, of myown role both as object and, more importantly, as subject to fightthe oppression. I do not know Ms. Power's history ofpoliticization, but I definitely distrust the media's reductionistscenario of girl-meets-convict-and-is-manipulated. I think the differences between our lives are more important.I did not feel it necessary to divorce myself from politicalstruggle to survive; and I did not surrender when I was captured -imprisoned without negotiation. There were no peace talks, nooffers of pleas. Living underground is not a romantic endeavour or diversion,as Jane Alpert may have initially imagined it to be. It isdifficult and personally heart-wrenching to be separated from one'sfamily, friends and one's political cohorts. And yet, people allover the world who have to struggle for survival and againstgrinding, brutal oppression, lead lives of value, of resistance, nomatter the deaths, the separations they endure. Being undergroundis not about escaping a life not liked nor not fulfilling. Who oneis does not rest on one's name or birthdate, but rather on how onelives and acts. It is hard to say much without getting specific, and that Icannot do. I suspect that is something the state repressiveapparatus would read with great interest. I remember a conversation I had with a comrade a number ofyears ago, at the time that Bernadine Dohrn and her now-husbandBill Ayers negotiated their own surrenders. The comrade, sadly anda bit angrily, stated that there was not one of us who were engagedin the liberation struggle who would not wish to be home, but inAmerikkka not everyone can do that and live safely secure fromattack. I think that is true. Certainly it is much more possible for white people than forpeople from oppressed nations to do so. I think of the FMLNcomrades who have been assassinated after returning to public lifefrom clandestinity after all the agreements and internationalassurances. I wonder how many more will die at the hands of thedeath squads; Salvadoran society is still not safe forrevolutionaries and militants who advocate for social justice, norfor the everyday working woman, man or child. Being white gives one privilege, so the possibilities thatexist to surrender are much greater. In this last decade many whitepeople have retreated, either inured to the escalating racism andsocioeconomic oppression, feeling they have done all they can, arenot to blame, or are frightened at the possible consequences. Ms.Power retired into the sanctuary of white Amerikkka. By that I meanthat she, as a white women, had the privilege of escaping notice byretiring into the expected "normal" white life. She did not have tofear being stopped by the police merely because she looked like a"suspicious person" White people are not suspicious! Only if oneacts suspicious, refuses to conform. Certainly, in the first periodof flight, there was danger because Ms. Power was suspicious; shewas hunted. The full weight of the repressive apparatus had beenunleashed; radical white women were under attack for havingpossible supported her and Susan Saxe. However, after the threatsand intimidation did not work in a number of radical women'scommunities because of a refusal to collaborate with grand juries,the relentless hunt was thwarted, and the danger diminished. Thestate was not prepared to terrorize white Amerikkka to capture Ms.Power, certainly not to the degree it did hunting Angela Davis orAssata Shakur in Black Amerikkka. Once Ms. Power established aconforming identity she was relatively safe. But feeling safe andbeing safe are not always the same thing. One can be safe and notfeel that. Conversely, one may feel relatively secure, believingthat one has not betrayed oneself or been betrayed, and not besafe. I can say this because I was too hunted. After the initialfear of being the fox before the hounds subsided, I found that itwas relatively easy to be an unassuming, unnoticed white woman. Itwas assumed that I was part of the white social consensus. Mysocial credit was good. More than once, police even rushed to myaid ... unrequested. The same police might then rush off to snarlat someone Black or Latino ... ready to shoot to kill. I was alsoable to continue being a political person. It did not stop me fromchallenging racism, or working in social programs. Not until I wasdiscovered to be that traitor to the capitalist white supremacistconsensus. Then my white skin lost its American Expresscredibility. The state's agents went haywire. And here I am with atotal of 80 years. Q: Why are neither you nor Linda Evans in the radical gallerysidebar? A: With the exception of Kathy Boudin, none of the more than 100political prisoners and P.O.W.s are mentioned in the "Revisitingthe Radicals" sidebar. None of us have surrendered or repented. Ms.Boudin had been spectacularized in 1970 after the explosion of atown house in the Village, so she was "revisited". Very few ofthose of us now in prison were marketed by the media as "fame"commodities. We are buried as much as possible. Those politicalprisoners and P.O.W.s, such as Leonard Peltier or Geronimo ji JagaPratt who are becoming better known, were not propelled by thepress into "fame". Rather, it has been through the struggle of manypeople to bring attention to the reality that both these comradeswere framed by the COINTELPRO agencies, have been denied newtrials, release, even in the face of concrete evidence, that theyare known. Mumia Abu Jamal, a former Black Panther, MOVE supporterand a journalist, sits on death row in Pennsylvania, framed by thestate. He's an established journalist, but Newsweek journalists,nor others in the establishment media have yet, in more than 10years, written an investigative piece about the fact that thegovernment is marching him to the death chamber! Newsweek did not write articles about the Tribunal held in NewYork in 1991, in which charges were brought against the UnitedStates for its treatment and continuing detention of the politicalprisoners and P.O.W.s from the New Afrikan and Black, Puerto Rican,Native American, Hawaiian and Mexican national liberationmovements, and the anti-imperialist and peace/anti-war movements.No establishment press wrote a major article on the 1992 Tribunalcharging the U.S. with the genocide of Native Americans, theenslavement of Africans and the colonization of North America andthe Caribbean, held in San Francisco on the 500th anniversary ofthe European invasion of the Americas. Political prisoners are definitely not in fashion. The samepeople that want us silenced, that continue to extract vengeance,certainly would not encourage its public stand propagandists tobring any attention it can avoid as to who we are and why we are. Q: Has the Clinton administration dealt adequately with the issuesof political prisoners in the 1990s, from your point of view? A: No. Even those with the most clear cut cases are being deniedunder this new administration. Comrades like the New York 3 - NuhWashington, Herman Bell and Jalil Muntaqin - have had legal effortsunjustly denied, even though the government misconduct was flagrant- disappearing evidence which would have undermined the state'scourt case. Silvia Baraldini, an Italian citizen, has repeatedlybeen denied repatriation to serve her sentence in her homeland;each time the Italian government has requested her transfer, theJustice Department has refused because she refuses to "cooperate";that is, to disavow her political views as an anti-imperialist.There has been no attempt to resolve the demands for the release ofthe Puerto Rican P.O.W.s and political prisoners, ordecolonization. Sundiata Acoli was refused parole this year, after more that20 years in prison! Those comrades who have been released werereleased because there were no other legal ways to keep them lockedup. They were denied going to half-way house, at a time when theFederal Bureau of Prisons has been trying to send more people tohalf-way houses. Because they are "a danger to the community"!Teachers, writers, productive human beings ... a danger? Most other nations at some point in time have come to termswith political movements that have oppressed or do oppose thestate. Political prisoners have been released and given amnesty allover the world by state apparatuses that had revealed in brutalityand torture. But nothing has changed in the U.S. Every one of us comes out of a movement that struggles forliberation, social justice and human dignity. Supporting us is partof supporting these movements. Until the movements challenging U.S.state power regain strength and momentum, until there is a powerfulvoice raised by you who are concerned with human rights andjustice, I do not think the government, no matter who is in theWhite House, will make any qualitative moves in the direction ofjustice. Free All Political Prisoners And P.O.W.s!
Box 2/1 of the Resist Collection is broken into two sections which are a series of applications covering a two-year time period (1976-1977). The folders in this series consist of applications which were sent to Resist by various organizations, (see below for complete list of organizations) and all of the grants applied for in this series were accepted. The folders show the name of the organization, the date applied, the date accepted, the grant number, and the dollar amount for the grant given. Organizations are listed in alphabetical order by their name and folders generally include: the application, the approval letter sent to the individual organizations by the Resist Steering Committee upon acceptance, and a blue index card which is attached to each application used by Resist members to keep track of the grant information for each group. Also in these series are several organizing lists created by Resist listing the grant considered each month and the outcome of the consideration. These lists state the name of the group and other notations. The 1976 section houses 66 folders, and the 1977 section houses 45 folders.
Note of interest: the money allotted to each organization never exceeds $500, except in several cases in which the organization is referred to a William H. and Carol Bernhardt Ferry, apparent benefactors of Resist. In this situation, larger sums of money, as much as $1000, may be allotted. These referrals are marked in the files. The Ferry’s are an independant funding operation in contact with Resist to whom organizations may be referred by the Resist Steering Committee if Resist cannot financially fund an applicant. William Ferry is also an original signer of the Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority of 1967.
1976 approved- Box 2/1
*African People’s Socialist Party- approved 4/26/76- #3G05- $250 and approved 3/23/76- #3G05- $250 and approved 2/23/76- #2G02- $100 (see also Box 1/2 "Applications" 1970-72 Black Study Group; Box 3/1 "Applications" 1973 approved; Box 3/2 "Applications" 1974; Box 4/2 "Applications" 1976; Box 10/2 "Applications" 1982)
American Portuguese Overseas Information Organization- New York, NY- approved 4/26/76-
#4G08- $200
Bar None- West Somerville, MA- approved 9/10/76- #8G08- $150 (see also Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975)
Bay Area Military Study Group- approved 8/22/76- #8G09- $500
Black Military Resistance League- Norfolk, VA- approved 5/24/76- #5G02- $200 (see also Box 4/1 "Applications" 1974; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975)
Black United Liberation Front- Philadelphia, PA- approved 3/23/76 #3G02- $250 (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1977; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975)
Boston Bail Project/Bail Funds- approved 7/14/76- #6G02- $150 (see also Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975)
Boston-Washington Walk for Disarmament and Social Justice- Cambridge, MA- referred to Haymarket Fund- 5/76
California Homemakers Association- approved 10/76- $600- referred to Ferry
Cambridge Tenants Organizing Committee- Cambridge, MA- approved 6/3/76- #5G06- $1000 referred to Ferry (see also Box 3/2 "Applications" 1974)
The Campaign for Lebanese Relief- request for the use of Resist mailing list- approved 9/28/76
Casa de Teatro- Dominican Republic- approved 7/16/76- #6G08- $200
Center for Servicemen’s Rights- San Diego, CA- approved 12/6/76- #12G06- $175 and approved 2/23/76- #2G05- $300 (see also Box 3/1 "Applications" 1973; Box 4/1
"Applications" 1974; 11/2 "Affiliated 1973-79)
Church of Brotherly Love- Seattle, WA- approved 1/26/76- #1G06- $200
Coalition for April 24th March on Boston- approved 4/16/76- #4G01- $100 emergency grant
Committee for Quality Education and Desegregation- approved 4/26/76- #4G07- $100
Committee for South Asia- Boston, MA- referred to Haymarket Fund- 4/76
The Community Church of Boston- loans and grants waived 12/76
The Community Church of Boston- approved 7/16/76- # 6G05
Community Information Project- Los Angeles, CA- approved 8/22/76- #8G06- $250
Community Media Foundation- New York, NY- approved 2/23/76- #2G04- $250
Ella Ellison Support Committee- Cambridge, MA- request for the use of Resist mailing list
Families and Friends, Inc.- approved 4/26/76- #4G03- $200
Freedom Information Service- Tougaloo, MS- approved 4/26/76- #4G04- $200
GI Project Alliance- San Diego, CA- approved 7/12/76- #6G01 (2 folders) (see also Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975)
Genienkeh Indian Project- Via Eagle Bay, NY- approved 6/76 (see also Box 4/1 "Applications" 1974)
Harper’s Ferry Theater Group- approved 6/3/76- #5G07- $100
Health Right- Women’s Health Forum- New York, NY- approved 5/24/76- #5G05- $200 (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1977; Box 5/1 "Applications" 1979)
Intercommunal Survival Committee- Chicago, IL- approved- #2G07- 2/23/76 $300- 3/19/76 $200- 4/16/76 $100 (see also Box 1/2 "Applications" 1970-72; Box 8/2 "Affiliated Organizations"; Box 2/1 "Applications" 1977- Keep Strong )
International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace- London, England- approved 7/15/76- #6G07- $100 (see also Box 3/1 "Applications" 1973, Box 4/1 "Applications" 1974; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975; Box 11/2 1979)
Jamaica Plain Tenants Action Group- Roxbury, MA- approved- 5/76- $1000 referred to Ferry
Juvenile Action Movement- Dorchester, MA- approved 4/26/76- #4G02- $200
Katipunan ng mga Demokratikong Pilipino (KDP) Union of Democratic Filipinos- approved 4/26/76- #9G02
Korea Bulletin- San Francisco, CA- approved 12/6/76- #12G01- $200 and approved 2/20/76- #1G03- $300 (see also box 2/1 "Applications" 1977-Korea Research and Action Committee)
Legal Aid Society of Louisville, Inc., Student Rights Project- approved 9/26/76- #9G04- $300 (2 folders)
Liberation News Service- New York, NY- approved 4/29/76- #4G10- $200 (2 folders) (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1977; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975; Box 5/1 1980)
Madison Tenants Union- Madison, WI- approved 12/14/76- #12G07- $500 (see also Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975- denied; Box 4/1 "Applications 1974)
Midwest Committee for Military Counseling- Chicago,IL- approved 7/15/76- #6G04- $238 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications 1977)
Micronesian Support Committee- Honolulu, HI- approved 3/23/76- #3G03- $400
National Student Coalition Against Racism- Dorchester, MA- approved 8/22/76- #8G04- $100 (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1977)
Native American Solidarity Committee- St. Paul, MN- approved 8/22/76- #8G05- $400 (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1977)
New England Clamshell Alliance- approved 8/22/76- #8G03- $100
The New Paper- Lynn,MA- approved 12/6/76- #12G03- #400 (see also Box 4/1 "Applications" 1974; Box 10/2 1982)
New York City Star- approved 12/6/76- #12G05- $200 (see also Box 3/2 "Applications" 1974)
New York Women’s School- Brooklyn, NY- approved 1/19/76- #1G01- $200 (see also Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975; Box 4/1 "Applications" 1974)
North East Prisoners Association- Boston, MA- referred to and funded by Haymarket $1500 3/10/76
Oficina Legal del Pueblo Unido- approved 5/24/76- #5G01- $100 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1977; Box 4/1 "Applications" 1975; Box 5/1 "Applications" 1980; Box 10/2 1982)
The Peacemaker- Cincinnati, OH- approved 7/21/76- #6G10- $100 (see also Box 3/1 "Applications" 1973 approved)
People United for Responsible Energy- Madison, WI- approved 1/19/76- #1G04- $200
People’s Educational Resource Center- approved 5/24/76- #5G03- $100
People’s Health Center- Bronx, NY- approved 8/22/76- $250 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1977)
Portland Cultural Workers Conference- Portland, OR- approved 9/26/76- #9G06- $200
Portland Military and Veterans Counseling Center- Portland, OR- approved 10/19/76- #9G01- $315 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1977; Box 3/2 "Applications" 1974)
Project More- New Haven, CT- approved 2/23/76- #2G06- $150
Public Education Project on the Intelligence Community- Washington, DC- approved 12/6/76- #12G02- $250
Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee- New York, NY- approved 8/22/76- #s 4G05 and 8G01- $800 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1977; Box 2/2 "Applications" 1978)
Radical America- approved- 4/27/76- #4G09- $500
Recon Publications- Philadelphia, PA- approved 8/22/76- #6G03 and 8G02- $250 (see also Box 3/2 "Applications" 1974; Box 4/1 "Applications 1974; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975; Box 5/2 1981; Box 10/2 "Applications" 1982)
Substitutes United for Better Schools- Chicago, IL- postponed 3/21/76, approved 8/27/76- #8G10- $300, 2 folders (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1977; Box 10/2 "Applications" 1982; 11/2 1979)
Sunday News Collective- Hadley, MA- approved 1/19/76- #1G05- $200
Susan Saxe Defense Committee- Boston, MA- appproved 2/23/76- #2G01- $200
Tenants First Committee- Boston, MA- approved 9/26/76- #9G03- $300
Transition House- Cambridge, MA- approved 5/24/76- #5G04- $200
United Electrical, Radio & Machine Works of America strike support- approved 9/26/76- #9G02- $100
United Farm Workers of America AFL-CIO- Dorchester, MA- approved 7/15, 7/26, 9/1, 1976- #6G06- $300 (see also Box 5/1 "Applications" 1980)
Vermont Worker’s Rights Project- approved 7/19/76- #6G09- $1000, referred to Ferry
Zimbabwe African Nationalist Union- Jamaica,NY- approved 3/23/76- #3G06- $575 (see also Box 2/2 1977; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975; Box 5/2 "Applications" 1979)
-miscellaneous file and grant lists included

1977 approved- Box 2/1
Alamosa Committee to Stop Grand Jury Repression- Colorado- application and information only
Amex-Canada- Toronto, Canada- approved 3/77- # 3G06- $250 (see also Box 1/2 "Applications"; Box 3/1 "Applications" 1973 approved)
Balaam’s Courier- Carbondale, IL- approved- $50 emergency grant
Black People’s Development Front- Dublin, VA- approved 1/77- #1G06- $100
Black and Proud Liberation School- Jackson, MS- approved 4/25/77- #4G01- $500 (see also Box 4/2 1976; Box 5/1 "Applications" 1980; Box 5/2 1981; Box 10/2 1982)
Black Liberation Press- Harlem, NY- approved 1/77- #12G08- $200
Boston Coalition for the Liberation of Southern Africa- approved 7/8/77- #7G03- $100
California Coalition to Free the Pendleton 14- San Diego, CA- approved 10/13/77- #9G03/7- $100 (2 folders)
Caruthersville Concerned Parents- Caruthersville, MO- approved 5/24/77- #5G01- $200
Center for Research on Criminal Justice- Berkeley, CA- approved 2/15/77- #2G03- $250
Coalition for Abortion Rights and Against Sterilization Abuse- New York, NY- approved 10/13/77- #9G04/7- $100
Committee to Elect General Baker- approved 1/77- 1G08- $100
Continental Oil Boycott- Indian Mills, W. Virginia- approved 2/15/77- #2G04- $30
Elizabeth Stone House- Jamaica Plain, MA- approved 3/77- #3G01- $200 (see also Box 3/2 "Applications" 1974)
Farm Labor Organizing Committee- Toledo, OH- passed on to other funders (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1978; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975; Box 5/2 "Applications" 1981 approved and denied; 11/2 1979)
Family Circus- Portland, OR- approved 1/77- 1G05- $500
Fort Bragg GI Union- SpringLake, NC- approved 1/77- #1G04- $125
Keep Strong- Chicago, IL- approved 1/77- 1G07- $150 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications- Intercommunal Survival Committee 1976; Box 1/2 "Applications" 1970-72; Box 8/1 "Affilated Organizations" 1970-72)
Korea Research and Action Committee- Korea Commentary- approved 7/15/77- #7G05- $100 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976- Korea Bulletin)
Liberation News Service- New York, NY- approved 2/15/77- #2G07- $327 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975; Box 5/1 1980)
Minnesota Committee for Military Counseling- Chicago, IL- approved 3/77- #3G02- $300 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976)
National Coordinating Center in Solidarity with Chile- New York, NY- approved 2/14/77- #2G01- $200
National Violence Against Women Newsletter- Wisconsin- approved 3/77- 3G05- $350
New York City Crisis Center- approved 2/15/77- $200- proposal not included
New York Lawyers Guild- Summer Project- approved 2/15/77- #2G08- $300
North Country Peoples Alliance- Coos County, NH- approved 9/77- #9G01/7- $100
North Carolina Women’s Prison Book "Break de Chains of Legalized US Slavery"- approved 7/15/77- #7G02- $100
North Dorchester (MA) Tenant’s Organizing Committee- approved 7/15/77- #7G01- $100
Oficina Legal del Pueblo Unido- San Juan, TX- approved 10/13/77- #9G02/7- $100 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications 1976; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975; Box 5/1 "Applications" 1980)
PBB Action Committee- Detroit, MI- approved 4/6/77- #3G07- $200- referred to Ferry
People’s Community Hall- Prichard, AL- approved 7/15/77- #7G04- $100
People’s Health Center- Bronx,NY- approved 1/18/77- #1G01- $200 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976)
Portland Military and Veterans Counseling Center- Portland, OR- approved 1/77- $50 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976; Box 3/2 "Applications 1974)
Protestant Guild for the Blind- Cambridge, MA- approved 4/25/77- #4G02- $50
Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee- New York, NY- approved 2/15/77- #2G05- $200 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976; Box 2/2 "Applications" 1978)
Santa Fe Health Education Project- approved 2/15/77- #2G06- $100x4
Somerville Voice-New American Movement- Somerville, MA- approved 4/25/77- #4G03- $100
South End Video Tape Project- Boston, MA- approved 1/4/77- 12G09- $75
St. Petersburg Tenants Organization- St. Petersburg, FL- approved 1/77- #1G03- $400
Substitutes United for Better Schools- Chicago, IL- approved 3/77- #3G03- $220 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976; Box 10/2 "Applications" 1982; 11/2 1979)
Texas Farm Workers Union- San Juan, TX- 5/24/77- #5G02- $500
Third World Newsreel- New York, NY- approved 1/77- #1G02- $200 (2 folders) (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1977; Box 3/2 "Applications" 1974; Box 4/1 "Applications" 1974; 11/2 1979)
Thomas Walker Defense Committee- Cambridge, MA- approved 5/24/77- emergency request
Walpole Race Relations Workshop/Walpole Education Project- Walpole, MA- approved 1/13/77- #1G09- $300 (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1977)
Women’s Community Health Center- Cambridge, MA- approved 3/77- #3G04- $200
grant lists included
Box 2/2 of the Resist Collection houses two sections of application files which were denied by the Resist Steering Committee. The division is made by the year of the decision to deny the application; the years in these sections are 1977 and 1978. Each section of folders is listed alphabetically by the title of the organization. (see below for the complete list of organizations) All grants proposals in this box were denied for many different reasons and included in the folders are the applications, the letter of denial (in most, but not every case), and also in many instances, supporting and back ground information about the applying organization. Folders are labeled with the date of the application, title and location of the organization, the decision and the date of that decision handed down by the Resist Steering Committee. The 1977 section houses 65 folders including one miscellaneous file, and the 1978 section houses 61 folders.
1977 denied- Box 2/2
Africa News- Durham, NC- application only
Alabama Students for Civil Rights, Inc.- Montgomery, AL- denied 2/13/77
Alderson Hospitality House- Alderson, W.VA- denied 3/22/77
Alliance Against Sexual Coercion- Cambridge, MA- application only
Association for Economic Democracy- Columbus, OH- denied 3/21/77
Black New York Action Committee- New York, NY- application only
Black United Liberation Front- Philadelphia, PA- application only (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975;)
Brother Martin High School- New Orleans, LA- application requested 7/6/77
Catalyst Films- Madison, WI- denied 2/23/77 and denied 2/13/77
Center for Advocacy, Research and Planning- New Haven, CT- application requested 7/6/77
Circle to Save the Bears- Portland, OR- application requested 2/25/77
Citizen Soldier- New York, NY- denied 6/22/77 (see also Box 5/1 "Applications" 1980)
City Crisis Film Group- New York, NY- denied 5/25/77
Columbia Heights Community Ownership Project- Washington, DC- application only
Committee for Prisoner Humanity and Justice- San Rafael, CA- denied 5/27/77
Community/Labor Alliance Against the Cuts- New Hyde Park, NY- denied 1/77
Community Legal Rights Foundation- Youngbloods in the Legal System- Washington, DC- denied 4/24/77
Counter Spy- Washington, DC- denied 8/10/77
El Rito Betterment Association- La Clinica del Norte- El Rito, NM- denied 7/6/77 (see also Box 4/2 "Applications" 1976)
Enlisted People’s Organizing Committee- Washington, DC- denied 9/77
Equinox Food Exchange- Cheney, WA- denied 3/20/77
Franklin Development Corporation/Greenfield Popular Union- denied 12/76, referred to Ferry and denied 4/77
Geller, Miller, Taylor, Weinberg, and Labovitz- attorneys at law- denied 4/24/77
The Green Mountain Health Center- Brattleboro, VT- denied 8/16/77
Guild Investigative Group- Arlington, VA- denied 8/10/77
Health Right- Women’s Health Forum- New York, NY- denied 10/21/77 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976)
Ironbound- Newark, NJ- denied 3/22/77
Ithaca Rest of the News- Ithaca, NY- denied 6/14/77
July 4th Coalition- New York, NY- denied 5/25/77
Legal In Service Project- Boston, MA- denied 8/5/77 (see also Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975)
Liberation Magazine- Cambridge, MA- denied 4/24/77 (see also Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975)
Low Income Planning Aid- Boston, MA- denied 4/24/77
Mid-Peninsula Conversion Project- Palo Alto, CA- postponed 1/9/77 (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1978)
Middletown- newspaper- Middletown, CT- denied 5/25/77
The Midwest Academy, Inc.- Chicago, IL- denied 6/24/77 and application only 11/24/77
National Committee to Defend Dessie Woods- Atlanta, GA- application only (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1978)
National Conference of Black Lawyers- Massachusetts Chapter- Roxbury, MA- denied 1/10/77
National Student Coalition Against Racism Dorchester, MA- denied 3/77 (2 folders)(see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976)
Native American Solidarity Committee- Boston, MA- denied 4/25/77 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976)
Navajo Nation Health Foundation- Granada, AZ- denied 9/20/77
Near East Side Community Health Center- Madison, WI- denied 5/25/77
New African Company- Roxbury, MA- denied 2/13/77
New England Free Press- Somerville, MA- application only (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1978)
New York City Unemployed and Welfare Council- New York, NY- denied 8/5/77
North County People’s Alliance- Littleton, NH- denied 5/24/77
Northern California Alliance- Commonsense- San Francisco, CA- denied 8/10/77
Pacific Street Film Collective- Brooklyn, NY- denied 7/15/77 (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1977; Box 4/1 "Applications" 1974; Box 4/2 "Applications" 1976)
Pendleton Legal Defense- San Diego, CA- denied 3/20/77
Portland Education Project- Portland, OR- application guidelines requested
Prisoners Rights Association- Raleigh, NC- more information requested
*Public Media Center/Media Alliance- San Francisco, CA- denied 11/8/76 and denied 3/27/77
Save Ourselves Organizing Committee- Pittsburgh, PA- denied 6/29/77
Skyhorse/Mohawk Defense Committee- Los Angeles, CA- application only
Somerville Women’s Health Project- Somerville, MA- denied 3/20/77 (see also Box 4/1 "Applications" 1974; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975)
Southwest- Journal of Critical Studies in Southwest Regional Development Albuquerque, NM- denied 3/22/77
State and Mind- People Look at Psychology- W. Somerville, MA- denied 3/29/77
A Step Closer- Walpole, MA- application only (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1977- Walpole Race Relations Workshop)
Third World Newsreel- "Firehouse #1"- denied 4/25/77 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1977; Box 3/2 "Applications" 1974; Box 4/1 "Applications" 1974; 11/2 1979)
UC Nuclear Weapons Labs Conversion Project- Berkeley, CA- application only
Willamette Valley Immigration Project- Portland, OR- denied 7/11/77
Win Magazine- Brooklyn, NY- application only (see also Box 3/1 "Applications" 1973; Box 4/2 "Applications" 1976; Box 4/2 "Applications" 1973; Box 5/1 1980)
WYSO 91.5- Community Radio- Yellow Springs, OH- denied 4/25/77
Zimbabwe African Nationalist Union- Support Committee- Norfolk, VA- denied 8/5/77 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975; Box 5/1 "Applications" 1979)
miscellaneous file included for 1977
1978 denied- Box 2/2
American Friends Service Committee- Reciprocal Youth Project with Puerto Rico- Cambridge, MA- denied 2/1/78 (see also Box 3/2 "Applications" 1978; Box 11/2 "Affiliated" 1973-79)
Arieto- Boston, MA- denied 12/22/78
The Bert Gibson Committee- Cambridge, MA- denied 3/6/78
The Boston Bail Bond Project/Bail Funds- Boston, MA- denied 3/6/78 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976)
Carrier Pigeon- Boston, MA- denied 2/1/78
Center for Alternative Mining Development Policy- Madison, WI- denied 10/78
Center for Constitutional Rights- New York, NY- denied 5/1/78
Chain- Bay Area Region- Oakland, CA- denied 9/18/78
Coalition Against Police Abuse- Los Angeles, CA- application guidelines requested 3/14/78
Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals- Sacramento, CA- denied 3/7/78
Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals- Riverhead, NY- denied 3/6/78
Coalition for Prisoners Rights- Santa Fe, NM- denied 9/20/78
Collecta/Vision- Northampton, MA- application only
Comité de Mexico y Azatlàn- Oakland, CA- denied 12/22/78
Committee for the Freedom of Puerto Rican Nationalist Prisoners- New York, NY- application requested 5/10/78 (in association with Friends of the Filipino People and the Anti-Martial Law Coalition)
Committee for the Suit Against Government Misconduct- New York, NY- denied 6/78
Commonwealth- Bay Shore, NY- denied 3/6/78
Community- A Journal of Constructive Social Change- Fresno, CA- denied 3/6/78
Community News Service- Charleston, W.VA- denied 8/14/78
Dykes and Tykes Legal Custody Center New York, NY- application only
Farm Labor Organizing Committee- Toledo, OH- denied 4/26/78 and denied 10/78 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1977; Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975; Box 5/2 "Applications" 1981 approved and denied; 11/2 1979)
Fred Hampton Memorial People’s Health Clinic- Portland, OR- application only
Friends of the Filipino People-denied July 1978 by phone
Hartford Infant Formula Act Coalition- Hartford, CT- application requested 7/31/78
Human Rights Conference Planning Committee- Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH- denied 3/6/78
International Association of Filipino Patriots- Oakland, CA- denied 3/6/78
In These Times- Leland Neuberg and Alfred Grimstad- Stony Brook, NY- withdrawn 4/10/78
Lincoln Hospital Detox- Acupuncture Research Program- Bronx, NY- application only
Little Flags Theatre- Roxbury, MA- denied 9/20/78
May 19th Communist Organization- Brooklyn, NY- application only
Micronesian Support Committee- Honolulu, HI- denied 2/1/78 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976)
Mid-Peninsula Conversion Project- Mountain View, CA- application only (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1977)
Movement in Support of the Iranian People- New York, NY- denied 2/1/78
Music Unlimited- MCI Walpole- Walpole, MA- application only
National Coalition to Support African Liberation- Roxbury, MA- denied 5/11/78
National Committee to Defend Dessie Woods- Atlanta, GA- application only (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1977)
National Committee to Support the Marion Brothers- St. Louis, MO- denied 5/78 (see also Box 4/1a "Applications" 1975; Box 5/1 1980)
National Lawyers Guild- Summer Projects Committee- Detroit, MI- application only (see also Box 3/1 "Applications" 1973; Box 3/2 1974; Box 4/1a 1975; Box 5/2 1981; Box 5/1 1980; 11/2 1979; 11/2 "Affiliated" 1973-79; Box 10/2 1982)
New England Free Press- Somerville, MA- denied 1978 (see also Box 2/2 "Applications" 1977)
New Town Improvement Organization- New Madrid, MO- denied 2/1/78
New York Citizens Review Commission on the FBI- New York, NY- denied 2/1/78
North American Congress on Latin America- New York, NY- denied 2/1/78
Northeast Committee for the Liberation of South Africa- Amherst, MA- denied 3/6/78
Occupational Health Project- Medford, OR- denied 3/7/78
Office for Political Prisoners and Human Rights in Chile- San Francisco, CA- application requested 11/27/78
People Against Racism in Education- Jeanne Baum Case- New York, NY- 4/78
People’s College of Law Los Angeles, CA- denied 3/6/78
Prisoners Legal Education Association- South Walpole, MA- denied 3/6/78
The Prisoners Rights Council, Inc.- Philadelphia, PA- denied 2/1/78
Prisoner Visitation and Support Committee- Philadelphia, PA- denied 3/6/78
Puerto Rico Solidarity Committee New York, NY- denied 2/1/78 (see also Box 2/1 "Applications" 1976; Box 2/1 "Applicaitons" 1977)
The Puerto Rican Student Union- UMASS Boston- 6/78
The Red Gargoyle- Chicago, IL- application only
Red Label Art- Boston, MA- application only
Shor, Ira- Brooklyn, NY- denied 8/14/78
Societé Culturelle Haïtienne d’Etudes Multidisciplinaires d’Actions Sociales- Haitian Cultural Society for Diversified Studies and Social Actions- New York, NY- denied 12/22/78
Solar Age Press- Indian Mills, W. VA- denied 9/20/78
South End Scene-- Albany, NY- application requested 7/31/78
Southern Africa Magazine- New York, NY- application only- 3/21/78 (see also Box 5/1 "Applications" 1980; 11/2 1979)
Tuskegee Institute- "From the Grassroots"- Alabama- application only
Unemployment Representation Clinic, Inc.- Seattle, WA- denied 3/14/78
Waltham Lead Poisoning Prevention Program- Waltham, MA- application only
Women’s Place Resource Center- Portland, OR- denied 2/1/78
Zimbabwe- Liberation Now!- film by Tony Avirgan- Tanzania- application only
(Prepared for electronic publication by Michael J. Breen '99, July 1999)

November 15, 1996Communist Party USA/ProvisionalBackground on Communist Party USA/Provisional, Commonly Referred to as 'Provisional Party of Communists'
In the early morning of Tuesday, November 12, 1996, prompted by a telephone tip suggesting child abuse, police officials raided three adjacent brownstones in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. Once inside, the officials discovered a maze of secret tunnels linking the houses, extensive supplies, large barrels and freezers stocked with food, and a small arsenal of weapons. Police arrested close to 30 members of the Communist Party USA/Provisional (CPUSA/P), commonly referred to as the Provisional Party of Communists, which was formerly led by the now-deceased Eugenio Parente-Ramos.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has prepared the following background on CPUSA/P:
The CPUSA/P which has been described as a cult, attracts idealistic young followers with "progressive" volunteer opportunities, but soon allegedly attempts to brainwash supporters, turning them into soldiers ready for a revolution aimed at overthrowing the United States Government. The recent raid netted law enforcement officials 16 pistols, 26 rifles, 5 shotguns, 2 working replicas of Thompson submachine guns, and 5 canisters of black powder thought to be an explosive substance.
According to Professor Harvey Klehr of Emory University, author of Far Left of Center, ex-members claim that the group has a military wing, trains its members in guerilla tactics and speaks of armed revolution. Others contend that while inflammatory talk took place in the past, such rhetoric has since been abandoned. Dr. Klehr contends that CPUSA/P has its members live communally, work continuously and give their money to the organization, prompting charges that they are "political Moonies."
Mr. Parente, whose real name was Gerald William Doeden and was actually of Norwegian descent, reportedly took on the imagined Mexican name and persona to enhance his credibility in his supposed struggles as a radical labor organizer and leader of the Eastern Farm Worker's Association (EFW). The EFW is just one of many front organizations led by Mr. Parente to mask recruitment for his cult-like group. Mr. Parente, who had a history of involvement with left-wing revolutionary groups, was a former disc jockey and one-time owner of a left-wing bookstore in San Francisco in the 1960's. He founded the CPUSA/P on Long Island in 1972. The group, an offshoot of the Progressive Labor Party, (which in turn is split off from the Communist Party USA), seems to follow Communist ideology closely, structuring the hierarchy of their own group after the former Soviet Union's Politburo. Mr. Parente died in March of 1995 at the age of 59.
History of CPUSA/P
The CPUSA/P was formed in the 1970's from the remnants of a revolutionary group called Venceremos. The Bay Area Revolutionary Union had split in the early 1970's, with one faction evolving into the Maoist Revolutionary Union and another, led by Bruce Franklin, forming Venceremos and supporting armed revolutionary struggle. Within a few years, Venceremos collapsed with most of its members in jail or disillusioned. What was left apparently formed the core of the CPUSA/P.
The CPUSA/P once had 800 members, but membership is now down to 150-400 members in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, and Texas. The group has a reported half dozen offices around New York City, including one in Bellport.
In February 1984, the CPUSA/P's headquarters in both Manhattan and Brooklyn were raided by the FBI's Joint Terrorist Task Force. Although no arrests were made, it was reported that various documents from the group were seized during the raids. An FBI statement about the raids claimed that the raids were "based on information received by the FBI in August 1983, which alleges that the Provisional Party of Communists had planned a series of violent acts to be committed within the United States." The FBI states that their goal was to "interdict a terrorist action prior to violence and destruction of property."
Eugenio Parente
Mr. Parente claimed to be a close friend of United Farm Workers' late leader Cesar Chavez. Although Mr. Chavez claimed to have never heard of Mr. Parente-Ramos (New York Post Nov. 13, 1996), Mr. Parente was reportedly a UFW organizer, and was fired by Chavez when he would not submit to UFW discipline after he had advocated violence.
It has been reported that Mr. Parente has had ties to Lyndon Larouche's National Caucus of Labor Committees, another cult-like group that made a transition from the far left to the far right. Links between Mr. Parente and Fred Newman and the International Workers Party (IWP) have also been suggested (The Public Eye, Vol.1, No. 1 [1977]). According to the Public Eye in 1977, Mr. Parente's National Federation of Labor (Natlfed) and Newman's IWP had a "continuing collaboration." Newman is known for his leadership, along with Lenora Fulani, of the cult-like New Alliance Party.
Prior to forming the CPUSA/P, Mr. Parente was a member of the National Liberation Front Continental Armed Services Division of the Liberation Army Revolutionary Group Organization (LARGO). At one point in the early 1970's, the group declared their intent to stage "revolutionary" attacks on government installations in Northern California. The group, numbering perhaps 6, never carried through with their threats.
The CPUSA/P operates by recruiting young idealistic people for what they believe are progressive social services including medical clinics for the poor, organizing farm workers, and producing a feminist pro-choice newsletter. The recruits are then allegedly brainwashed, forced to listen to endless propaganda speeches, and forced to undertake endless bureaucratic formalities. Group propaganda suggests that the real aim of the recruiting efforts is to attract followers for the eventual overthrow of the U.S. government. One tool of the recruitment process for the CPUSA/P was listing its front groups, reportedly up to forty of them, in the Commission on Voluntary Service and Action's (CVSA) guidebook. The guidebook, a source of volunteer opportunities, is used by some churches to help its members find volunteer opportunities. According to Dr. Harvey Klehr, after the CVSA discovered the actions of the National Federation of Labor, and tried to remedy the situation, they also discovered that the National Federation of Labor had begun publishing the book on its own.
Examples of the innocuous-sounding front groups for CPUSA/P include The Women's Press Collective, California Homemakers Association, Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals, and the above-mentioned Eastern Farm Workers Association.
Ron Kuby Represents Group
Two recently arrested members of the group are being defended by Ron Kuby, a longtime partner of the late lawyer William Kunstler. Among others, Mr. Kuby defended Ibrahim El-Gabrowny and Siddig Ibrahim Siddig Ali, two of the accused in the World Trade Center Terrorism bombing trial and LIRR gunman Colin Ferguson. Mr. Kuby is known for taking on unpopular and radical political cases. Interview: Produced by MJM and hosted by Mark Joseph,MOVIE: HANOI HILTON; Directed by Lionel Chetwynd. MJ: Around about the time of "Hanoi Hilton," there were quite a number ofVietnam themed movies. There was Oliver Stone's movies, there was movies inthe late '70's. What did you think of those competing films, and some ofthem were more successful than yours. Why? Why was that?LC: Well, I have managed to never comment in public upon "Platoon"particularly. Here's the thing about those films. They were done from manydifferent points of view. The country itself had been very conflicted aboutwhat Vietnam was about, and why we were there, and why these things havehappened. The thing that made "The Hanoi Hilton" different than the otherfilms was, it was an attempt to look at the experience through the eyes ofthe men who had been there, specifically POW's, what they saw as prisonersof a closed society, what they learned and understood about the NorthVietnamese. That they weren't... you know, the popular opinion in Hollywoodwas that North Vietnamese were sort of these pacific people, who left totheir own devices would were saffron robes and sell rafia work to tourists.Well, that's because the ones that got in there... It's a closed society.You're only going to see, hear, and learn what they want you to see, hear,and learn. What the POW's saw was not that at all. They saw verysophisticated, highly manipulative people, understood how to play the p.r.card, were way ahead of us in that sense. At the time, that was a veryunpopular view, and so the film did not enjoy the great.. and the companythat made it, Cannon, was going under at the time, which didn't help, didnot enjoy anywhere near the success of "Platoon." But it probably held itsown with film like "Hamburger Hill." What's interesting about "The HanoiHilton" though, is the steady sale of cassettes in all the years sincethen. We're up to the hundreds of thousands of cassettes. It's still anenormously popular film. It led me into a long term relationship with theVietnam Veterans Memorial. Now I'm on the National Sponsoring Board ofthat. It is the most popular film, Vietnam film amongst Vietnam veterans.It is the film that they will tell you if... it comes up constantly on thesurveys, ahead of "Apocalypse Now," ahead of "Platoon," ahead of those. Sothat's one of the good things about... film's forever, you know, once it'sup there, it's forever. And maybe long term, "Hanoi Hilton" will be seen asvalid, as as valid a discussion of what that war was about for the peoplewho fought it, as these other films, which at the time just hit. You know,I mean, Oliver Stone has a capacity to touch what the people want and needto hear at that particular moment. He knows how to do that. He's very mucha man of his time. I have not been blessed to a man of my time. He is verymuch a man of his time, but, you know, that may not be a man for the ages.You don't know. MJ: Your wife was in "Hanoi Hilton." Tell us what role she played, andalso, what is it like working with your wife?LC: Gloria played... The character's name in the script was Paula. It waswidely interpreted as Jane Fonda, but Jane Fonda was only one of manypeople who went there. There was also a woman called Cora Weiss, who wasthe one who went there and then reported back to the Vietnamese what theAmerican prisoners had told her. And that resulted in some cruelmistreatment, and in one case quite possibly a death, or more than one, youknow, I'd have to get back into that to know what, exactly what that was.But it was called the Jane Fonda role, and she took a lot of heat for it,because it was interpreted... Gary Franklin in particular got reallyunhappy... MJ: A movie critic.LC: Oh yes, right, yes. A movie critic, a self-proclaimed custodian of theconscience of Hollywood. You know, how dare we beat up on a great Americanlady. So Gloria took a lot of heat for it. It's wonderful to work with her.I mean, you know, we've been married all our lives, since we wereteenagers, raised our children together, and it's terrific to have heraround, and she's a great script editor too, from years of reading mymaterial, and she's very courageous. She's a fine, fine, wonderful actress.So whenever I can, then we try and do that, and the film we just finished,called "Color of Justice" which we shot in Toronto and in New York, whichis about race and the criminal justice system, she plays the female lead inthat, with Judd Hirsch and Gregory Hines and F. Murray Abraham and BruceDavidson. So, you know, that's good. When that happens, it's great.
In, “Traveling To Vietnam” (Mary Hershberger, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio), supposedly the story of American ‘peace activists’ who went to North Vietnam during the war, the author whitewashes the wartime allies of Hanoi and puts a soft face on their activities, eliminating altogether some very important facts, which, if she put them in her book, would be difficult to explain.
Like the deaths of U.S. Servicemen in captivity: “In January 1970, the Committee of Liaison with the Families (COLIAFAM), released a list of 156 U.S. POWs detained in North Vietnam. The Co-Directors of the Committee were Cora Weiss and David Dellinger. The Committee also released a list of five servicemen "confirmed as being dead by the North Vietnamese." Of these five, three were listed by the DRV at the time of the Paris Peace Accords as having died in captivity, while the other two were never confirmed as having been held captive. The remains of all five have been repatriated.” Conclusion – the NVA kept prisoners incognito, an act of barbaric cruelty to the living and dead.
And what about America civilians being held captives? The DIA list of 1,986 unaccounted for included 54 civilians, of whom 41 were listed as POWs and 13 as missing. (Sullivan Report, 1972)In November 1970, the co-chair of a private group, Cora Weiss, passed a letter to State Department officials from Vietnam which stated that Osborne, McCrary and Darcy had never been detained in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
Hershberger begins her account with the May 1965 trip to Hanoi by Women Strike for Peace members, Mary Clarke and Lorraine Gordon, and continues through the first contacts made with U.S prisoners of war by 81-year-old A.J. Muste, the trips to Saigon by the Fellowship of Reconciliation to establish ties with the ‘peace movement’ in South Vietnam, and the "mail service" set up by Women Strike for Peace that provided a conduit for letters between POWs and their families.
This “mail service,” Hershberger would have her readers believe, was an effort to bring news and contact between the POW’s, already in a desperate condition as prisoners of war, and their distraught family members. In actuality, it was psychological warfare and a propaganda operation. The ‘Committee of Liaison,’ tried to force POW’s and their families to make antiwar statements in exchange for the contact – not one wife or mother ever did. Hershberger also omits the fact that antiwar, pro Hanoi messages were interjected into the POW correspondence as their mail was intercepted and censored by Hanoi, their American allies, and the Russians, who, after all, pulled Hanoi’s strings. You will find none of this in Hershberger’s book.
The mistreatment of U.S. POW’s and their families began with a trip to Bratislava, Czechoslovakia in September 1967 where American fifth columnists met North Vietnamese intelligence officers for several days, and hatched, among other military operations, the propaganda plan that centered around the American POW’s, who remained at the mercy of a brutal regime. Bratislava, in the heart of the Soviet system, complete with its concentration camps, jackbooted repression, and secret police, seems to have been a comfortable place for these Americans who espoused, and loudly, hatred for America.
At the end of the Bratislava conference, the Vietnamese planned to release some prisoners in a joint propaganda campaign with their American counterparts. It was arranged that an American contingent would travel to Hanoi, North Vietnam to pick up six POW’s and Tom Hayden would go to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where he was handed three prisoners by the Viet Cong.
Hershberger does not tell you how Hayden put his POW’s, under the control of Russian and Cuban guards on a Czechoslovakian airline. They were to make prearranged publicity stops to parade the POW’s around. Hershberger also does not tell readers, but this plan was thwarted by a U.S. FAA official, Art Beacon, who, at some risk to himself from the Russians and Cubans, and under the protests of Mr. Hayden, got the POW’s off the plane at a refueling stop in Beirut, Lebanon.
“Traveling to Vietnam” is more than a chronicle of the trips made to Vietnam by U.S. activists. It’s an attempt to rewrite history in terms favorable to the brutal victors of a hard fought war and the forever dishonored Americans who did all that they could to help them achieve their dubious, if complete, victory.
Hershberger does relate, however, the bizarre suicides of Alice Herz and Norman Morrison, whose vain, stupid, and all too rare self-immolations in protest of the war are forgotten anecdotes.
Her chapters on POW’s, likewise, remind us how badly these American fifth columnists simply will erase history in favor of political manipulation of the POW issue, during the war and afterwards, as when she writes: "the myth of the systematic torture of American pilots in Hanoi," and, “Some POWs were tortured,” she blithely admits, “but the vast majority were not and most settled into routines that involved daily exercise periods, camp duties, religious services, and reading that included the works of Shakespeare, Dickens, and Howard Zinn. Sure. Club Med.
Hershberger’s conclusion is that the official POW story of widespread torture was “developed by a few hard-core officers and then pressed on other prisoners, as the story they should tell upon their release.”
But this doesn’t square with the official, and widely reported, policy of the U.S. government, which, before 1973 when most POW’s were released, ordered released POW’s to refrain from describing torture and harsh treatment by Hanoi, much to the dismay of the POW’s themselves and their families, who wanted the truth told.
Hershberger’s book is a fascinating cliché, a glimpse into the machinery that proves the adage, ‘the victors write the histories of wars.’

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